2011 Iowa Audit the Fed project

Project Leader: Ross Witt

HR 459 / S 202 Audit the Fed update:

Our goal is to obtain a commitment from all Iowa senators and congressman to support a comprehensive audit of the Fed by co-sponsoring the bills that have been introduced.

In our previous attempt to pass Audit the Fed legislation (HR 1207 / S 604), ALL of Iowa's U.S. Senators and Representatives were onboard as co-sponsors. Why do we need to push such an effort again?  The 2010 Audit the Fed Law was a watered down version, modified from the original to placate the Federal Reserve objections and Wall Street interests.  The 2010 Fed Audit Law didn't allow a "comprehensive" audit.

As of July 26th, there are currently a total of 7 sponsors in the U.S. Senate for S 202, and 165 in the U.S. House of Representatives.  Congressman Tom Latham is the only representative from Iowa who has signed on as a co-sponsor.  Please contact your elected representatives in Washington and get them onboard.  Hand written letters sent to the local Iowa offices are among the most effective techniques, as are petition drives, and simply visiting their local office.  Being polite, but earnest about your issue, and even going so far as to make an appointment before you arrive can get your voice heard.

You can find out more about this project by visiting the Iowa project website below.  You can also visit the official Audit the Fed website below, or find more information on Facebook and Twitter.  You can find contact information for your representatives on both the project website and the Audit the Fed website.  Congressman Latham has already signed on, but you can still write and thank him for his support.

ICFL Audit the Fed Project website: https://sites.google.com/site/2011auditthefed/

Audit the Fed website: http://www.auditthefed.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Audit-the-Fed/112930350107

Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/HR459 or @HR459

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