Redflex just found out what happens when you sue your own client (City of Tempe) to squeeze as many dollars as possible out of them.
As of July 19th, Redflex red light, photo radar and mobile scameras will be shut off and begin collecting dust until they’re ripped out. This comes almost exactly one year after the end of the extremely unpopular Redflex freeway photo radar program with Arizona DPS.
Even a local media is celebrating with lines like, “Say goodbye to photo radar in Tempe.”
CameraFRAUD volunteers over the past three years have brought the truth about the scameras to the streets of Tempe and the public sentiment has overwhelmingly been in favor of scrapping the fraudulent program entirely. With 4 of their 7 council seats (including the mayor) up for reelection this year, it’s not hard to understand why they voted against renewing the contract.
This one’s for you, people of Tempe!
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