Hunger Games shows why Campaign for Liberty Matters

Mockingjay Part Two, the final installment of the popular Hunger Games series, is currently the leading movie in the country.  Mockingjay Part Two chronicles the final battle between the oppressive Capitol and the rebellion launched by the [...]

Fed Leaks Benefit Certain Investors

A recent study by two Berkeley University economists not only confirms that the Federal Reserve routinely "leaks" confidential information but that the recipients of those leaks may be on the ground floor of a great investment [...]

Janet Yellen: We need more information about the Fed

Isn't it ironic? Fed Chair Janet Yellen, speaking at a Federal Reserve Conference, recently suggested that policymakers need to "review" the "unconventional" monetary polices pursued by Central Banks in response to the 2008 financial [...]

RON PAUL: Paris and What Should Be Done

The horrific attacks in Paris on Friday have, predictably, led to much over-reaction and demands that we do more of the exact things that radicalize people and make them want to attack us. The French military wasted no time bombing Syria in [...]

Surprise: Government lying about true size of the national debt

Inflation and unemployment are not the only examples of the government manipulating government statistics. As former Government Accounting Office Head David Walker recently pointed out in The Hill,the government is also understanding the true [...]

Top 10 Senators Who Need to Hear From YOU on Audit the Fed!

Campaign for Liberty is implementing a massive grassroots mobilization plan on Audit the Fed in the run-up to a Senate vote after Thanksgiving. (Sign your Audit the Fed petition here and be entered for your chance to win a Colt AR-15 sporting [...]

Who Should Pay For the Syrian Refugees?

Last week the US House dealt a blow to President Obama’s plan to resettle 10,000 Syrians fleeing their war-torn homeland. On a vote of 289-137, including 47 Democrats, the House voted to require the FBI to closely vet any applicant from Syria [...]

The Federal Reserve's history of opposing transparency

Roger Auerbach, University of Texas Professor of Public Affairs and expert on aspects of the Federal Reserve's past that the Fed would prefer to keep hidden, has published a must-read article in the Huffington Post exploring the  Federal [...]

Federal Reserve Hires ANOTHER Goldman Sachs Executive

The Federal Reserve announced the hiring of yet another former Goldman Sachs executive.  Neel Kashkari will be the president of the Minneapolis Fed. With this latest appointment, four of the Fed's 12 regional banks will be headed by former [...]

Chinese Yuan Pushes to Topple Dollar as World Reserve Currency

China took another step in its push to make the Yuan the World's Reserve Currency instead of the Dollar. From Bloomberg: China took another step to boost the yuan’s global usage, saying it will start direct trading with the Swiss franc, as the [...]