Senate planning bait-and-switch on mandatory minimum sentacning?

Last week, the Senate Judiciary Committee unveiled the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act, "bipartisan" (and that is the first sign this is trouble) legislation that supposedly reduces the number of mandatory minimum sentences imposed by [...]

Norm Singleton on PPA Podcast

C4L Senior Vice President Norm Singleton was on the Poker Player's Alliance podcast with Rich Muny the other day talking about RAWA and how it threatens state sovereignty and civil liberties. Campaign for Liberty's strongly opposes RAWA and [...]

Save the Bake Sale!

One of the most ridiculous aspects of the Obama Administration's "nutrition guidelines" is its effect on school bake sales. As Campaign for Liberty's Communication Director Megan Stiles detailed in August 2014: Children hoping to hold bake sales [...]

Interest in Ron Paul for Speaker is more proof that Liberty is Popular

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has said he would consider returning to the House of Representatives to serve as Speaker. As of this writing, Gingrich's former colleagues do not seem anxious to put him back in the Speaker's chair. [...]

Assassination Nation

Stop what you're doing and read this. Thanks to a new whistleblower within the intelligence community, referred to simply as, "The Source," The Intercept just published "The Drone Papers," detailing America's counterproductive 14-year [...]

Ron Paul Interview on Audit the Fed

Watch C4L Chairman Ron Paul discuss Audit the Fed on Boom and Bust:

Politicians Exploit School Shooting While Ignoring Bombing Victims

Following the recent Oregon school shooting, many politicians rushed to the microphones to call for new gun control laws. President Obama even called on gun control supporters to “politicize” the shooting, while some members of Congress [...]

Ron Paul on the Importance of Freedom

Listen to C4L Chairman Ron Paul's interview on KFYO Newstalk radio (Texas):

Kevin McCarthy Drops of Out Speaker's Race

Earlier today Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy dropped out of the race for Speaker of the House. While Campaign for Liberty has not endorsed a candidate for Speaker, read why we oppose Jason Chaffetz here.