Shut Down The Government? If Only!

Watch C4L Vice President Norm Singleton on the Ron Paul Liberty Report talking about a potential government shutdown and our chances of passing Audit the Fed in the Senate:

Ron Paul Classic: Take the Fed, leave the Penny

The recent proposals to eliminate the paper dollar is not the first time Congress has examined the costs of producing currency. For many years, there has been an effort to eliminate the penny. One reason for this is that it costs more than one [...]

Ron Paul Classic: Blame the Fed for the crash

This month marks the eight-year anniversary of the bursting of the housing bubble and the resulting stock market downturn.  Following this crash,  Congress passed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, legislation authorizing  the use of [...]

RON PAUL: Blame America? No, Blame Neocons!

Is the current refugee crisis gripping the European Union “all America’s fault”? That is how my critique of US foreign policy was characterized in a recent interview on the Fox Business Channel. I do not blame the host for making this [...]

Ron Paul's Swords into Plowshares playlist

One of my favorite parts of Swords into Plowshares is the quote from an anti-war song to lead off each chapter. Campaign for Liberty Director of Legislation Tim Shoemaker has put together a Swords into Plowshares playlist, which we will share [...]

Only the goverment can lose money by making money

Senators John McCain and Mike Enzi have introduced legislation aimed at reducing "wasteful" spending. One of their proposals is to replace the paper dollar bill with a dollar coin: According to the two lawmakers, ditching the dollar bill for the [...]

Campaign for Liberty to Congress: Don't increase spending

Campaign for Liberty has joined a collation of organizations  on a letter demanding that Congress adhere to the spending caps imposed by the 2011 budget deal. Of course, these caps are no where near the spending reductions needed, and in many  [...]

WATCH: Ron Paul on Fox Business talking about the Syrian Migrant Crisis

Watch C4L Chairman Ron Paul talk about the Syrian Migrant Crisis on Fox Business below: Watch the latest video at video.foxbusiness.com

Ron Paul on Migrant Crisis

Watch C4L Chairman Ron Paul's interview on Fox Business this morning about the Migrant Crisis in Europe and the Middle East: Watch the latest video at video.foxbusiness.com

Ron Paul: There Is No Right Fed Decision

C4L Chairman Ron Paul responds to the Federal Reserve's decision to keep interest rates low. BPlayer(null, [...]