National Blog - page 151

WATCH: Ron Paul Discusses Stock Market on Fox Business
C4L Chairman Ron Paul was on Fox Business talking about the Federal Reserve and the stock market. Watch below: Watch the latest video at

End federal grants to revive federalism
One of the most disturbing (and least discussed) trends in the United States is the way federal grants for programs ranging from health care to education to housing to transposition have turned the states into administrative units of the federal [...]

The Federal Reserve is Not Your Friend
Rand Paul and investor Mark Spitznagel have an op-ed from Reason that talks about how the Federal Reserve's policies benefit the wealthy and Wall Street at the expense of the average American. When it comes to money, politicians are often seen [...]

Sign Dr. Paul's Birthday Card!
On August 20, Dr. Paul turns 80! Join Campaign for Liberty and patriots around the country in wishing him a happy birthday. Sign the card and add a personal note we'll deliver to Ron Paul on his birthday.

Let's make the malls more like the airports
New York State lawmaker Tony Aella is introducing legislation to put metal detectors and other types of "enhanced security" in Malls and other places. Bonnie Krsitian at RARE Liberty explains why this is such a bad idea: But even [...]

Ron Paul: Are we a Nation of Wimps?
Earlier this year, Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul wrote a very important essay, "Are We a Nation of Wimps." As the title suggests, the essay examines the way the people demand that the government provide them with economic and personal [...]

We're Number Twenty!
The CATO Institute, the Fraser Institute of Canada, and the Liberales Institute of Switzerland recently put out a ranking of the world's freest countries. Of course,the United States was number one, after all we are constantly told by our [...]

RON PAUL: For Immigration Answers, Look to Liberty
What should be done with the estimated 15 million people living in the United States without the legal right to be here? It seems most politicians and many Americans come down on one or the other extreme. Many Republicans, including Republican [...]

RON PAUL: The Seamless Web of Liberty
Many people think the Internal Revenue Service was violating civil liberties when it harassed tea party groups. After all, the groups were targeted because they wanted to exercise their civil liberty to challenge government policies. However, the [...]

Ron Paul Classic: No mandatory mental health screening
A popular trick of politicians who wish to placate both sides of the gun debate is to introduce legislation aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of those with "mental health" problems. For example, Texas Senator John Cornyn has introduced [...]