Does the Fed really value its secrecy?

For an institution fanatically devoted to keeping the American people in the dark about its operations, the Federal Reserve does a remarkably poor job of preventing leaks. The most recent leak occurred in June when economic [...]

WATCH: Ron Paul Responds to Paul Krugman

Watch Dr. Paul respond to Paul Krugman on economic policy.:

WATCH: Norm Singleton on Whistleblower Panel

C4L's VP of Policy, Norm Singleton, was on a panel yesterday talking about whistleblowers. Watch below:

Congress keeps giving new powers to IRS

Congress continues to work on a highway bill, desperately scrambling to pass something extending the highway programs before they expire on Friday. Today,the House of Representatives filed another temporary extension bill, while the Senate is [...]

Do We Need to Bring Back Internment Camps?

Last week, Retired General Wesley Clark, who was NATO commander during the US bombing of Serbia, proposed that “disloyal Americans” be sent to internment camps for the “duration of the conflict.” Discussing the recent military base [...]

Politics Is Not the Path to Pro-Life Victory

During my time in Congress, I regularly introduced legislation forbidding organizations that perform abortions from receiving federal funding. The US Government should not force taxpayers to subsidize an activity they believe is murder. Thus, [...]

Does Gun Control Work?

By Danny Lewis National attention shifted back to the gun control debate after the recent shooting in Louisiana. Many are arguing for stricter background checks. MSNBC Reports: The most recent mass shooting at a movie theater in Lafayette, [...]

True progressives oppose (corporate) welfare

When I worked in Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's congressional office, we worked in "transpartisan"coalitions with libertarians, conservatives, and progressives against corporate welfare. The progressive members of the coalition [...]

Pro-Wrestling US Senate?

Because pro-wrestling admits it is a performance... Today, the Senate continues debating the highway funding bill. Tonight, the Senate will vote on an amendment extending the life of  the Export-Import Bank (EximBank), which expired at the [...]

Questions Raised Over Traffic Stop & Death of Sandra Bland

By Danny Lewis People are asking questions about the death of Sandra Bland, the woman who was found dead in a Texas jail on July 13th, especially whether she should have been arrested in the first place. CNN reports the original dashcam [...]