Education is Too Important Not to Leave to the Marketplace

This week, events around the country will highlight the importance of parental control of education as part of National School Choice Week. This year’s events should attract more attention than prior years because of the growing rebellion [...]

Want to Really Help Students? Make it Legal to Pay Them!

Everybody from the President, to the libertarians, to populists, Republicans, Democrats, and me, is a champion of the middle class. Anyone who has an understanding of the free market and sound money actually knows exactly what the answer is for [...]

Maybe Obama should hire Ron Paul

As a speechwriter.. Last night, as is traditional, President Obama's State of the Union told the story of several Americans who have overcome adversity or benefited from the President's policies. One of the stories he told was that of Rebekah [...]

Statism of the Union

The centerpiece of President Obama's State of the Union was something he called "middle-class" economics. Not surprisingly, Obama’s definition of a “pro-middle class” economic policy is a laundry list of new spending programs and mandates. [...]

Martin Luther King and what we have to fear from the surveillance state

Opponents of the surveillance state are often lectured by the government's defenders that we are being paranoid when we worry about the government using its surveillance powers against those who challenge the political status quo. We are told the [...]

Minimum wage hikes, soda taxes, and tiger selfies?

The start of a New Year brings a raft of New State and Federal Laws.  Many of these laws are anti-liberty and fly in the face of sound economics. For instance, 20 states and many cities are raising their minimum wage. Residents of Berkeley [...]

Industrial Hemp Farming Act, H.R. 525, Reintroduced!

Rep. Thomas Massie announced today that he and Jared Polis, along with 45 other bipartisan cosponsors, reintroduced a bill "to allow commercial cultivation of industrial hemp." This legislation was sponsored in the past by C4L Chairman Ron Paul, [...]

Ron Paul's State of Liberty 2015

C4L Chairman Ron Paul recorded his own State of the Union response to President Obama's speech last night. Watch the video below!

SOTU Preview: The President’s Tax Plan Will Make the Poor Poorer

In tonight’s State of the Union message, the President will tell the American people that the rich should be taxed more to help the middle class. To do this, President Obama will raise inheritance and capital gains taxes. But in a free market, [...]

John Tate's Testimony for the FEC

C4L President John Tate submitted testimony before the FEC urging the organization to reduce regulations on political organizations such as Campaign for Liberty. There will be a public hearing on February 11th on proposed regulations. Stay tuned [...]