National Blog - page 20
The Jan. 6th Show Trials Threaten All of Us
The recent felony conviction and eight month prison sentence of January 6th protester Paul Hodgkins is an affront to any notion of justice. It is a political charge and a political verdict by a political court. Every American regardless of [...]
ACTION: Stop another collapse
Your action is needed TODAY to stop the U.S. Senate from driving what could be the final nail in the coffin of our economic system. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is twisting arms to get the few votes he needs for another mega [...]
‘Ed-exit’ to Protect Your Kids from Critical Race Theory
Parents across the country are fighting to stop government schools from indoctrinating their children with Critical Race Theory. Critical Race Theory is a form of Marxism that focuses on the “oppression” of racial minorities. Central to [...]
Ohio Ends Sales Taxes on Precious Metals
Congratulations to our Ohio Campaign for Liberty grassroots supporters who helped push the bill ending sales taxation on gold, silver, and other precious metals across the finish line! Since money itself is not taxed, it only stands to reason [...]
It's Not Over Yet
You and I have an opportunity right in front of us to stop the confirmation of anti-gun zealot David Chipman as head of the ATF. President Biden clearly overstepped with the nomination of Chipman, who is by far the most anti-gun activist to [...]
Infrastructure Update
On Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) brought the “bipartisan,” un-written infrastructure bill to the Senate floor on a cloture motion, which required 60 votes to open debate. It failed by a vote of 51-49. Every [...]
This week in Congress
On Wednesday, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) plans to hold a cloture vote on the “compromise” infrastructure spending bill in the U.S. Senate. The bill is projected to authorize at least $1.2 trillion on infrastructure funding. This is [...]
True Civil Libertarians Must Oppose the IRS
Progressives who work to end individual rights violations committed by the NSA, FBI, DEA, CIA, and other federal agencies usually overlook, or even support, the routine violations of Americans’ rights by the IRS. For example, progressives [...]
Update on S. 1
Two weeks ago, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer failed to get the 60 votes necessary to end the filibuster of S. 2093, the ever so slightly revised “Corrupt Politicians Act,” previously numbered S. 1. Every Republican voted to filibuster, [...]
It’s Saigon in Afghanistan
The end of the 20-year US war on Afghanistan was predictable: no one has conquered Afghanistan, and Washington was as foolish as Moscow in the 1970s for trying. Now, US troops are rushing out of the country as fast as they can, having just [...]