National Blog - page 229
Ron Paul discusses Audit the Fed Legislation
Check out Ron Paul talks about Audit the Fed legislation in the House on the Ron Paul Channel. Legislation to audit the Federal Reserve recently surpassed 218 cosponsors in the House of [...]
The Zombie Apocalypse Is Nigh, and the Pentagon is ON IT!
Worried about a zombie apocalypse? Well never fear, the Pentagon is using your money to prepare for a such a threat. From NBC News: According to a report in Foreign Policy magazine, the Defense Department — with a 2014 budget of more than [...]
Ten percent of Tea Party donors audited by IRS
This is why Campaign for Liberty is refusing IRS demands that we turn over donor information. According to a study conducted by the House Ways and Means Committee, 10 percent of donors to tea party groups were audited by the IRS after those [...]
Regulatory tax harms small businesses and families while benefiting crony capitalists
The Competitive Enterprise Institute recently released the 2014 version of Ten Thousand Commandments, its yearly report examining the growth of the regulatory state, and explaining how federal regulations affect the American people's economic [...]
Free the Seed!
The DEA apparently ordered the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol at Louisville International Airport to hold a 250-pound shipment of hemp seeds from Italy in contravention of industrial hemp policy included in the 2013 Farm Bill. Huffington Post [...]
If you like your (medical) privacy, you can('t) keep it
Of all the problems with Obamacare, one of the most serious, and least discussed, is the threat the bill poses to medical privacy. Obamacare gives the IRS authority to enforce the "individual mandate." This means the IRS (yes THAT IRS) [...]
Health Insurance CEO: Obamacare Customers Must Break ‘Choice Habit’
The head of a major health insurance company has admitted what conservatives have been saying for years: Obamacare will ultimately limit patient choice. From The Daily Caller : “We have to break people away from the choice habit that [...]
UPDATED: Kentucky 1 - DEA 0
In an update to yesterday's post, "Free the Seed!," the local news in Louisville is reporting the DEA will stand down and has agreed to release the hemp seeds by the end of the week. The apparent agreement came from the Kentucky Department of [...]
How government makes your beer 44 percent more expensive
Bonnie Kristian has a great article over at Rare about how government regulation not only increases the cost of beer, but stifles competition in the marketplace: The last six-pack of beer I bought ran me about $11. It was a craft Altbier from [...]