National Blog - page 234
Cost of fixing ObamaCare website rises to $121 Million
This is in addition to the $93.7 million it cost to build the non-functional website in the first place. From The Washington Times: Officials at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the agency that oversees the website, [...]
Judge approves forfeiture of car, despite not guilty verdict
A Minnesota man who had his car seized in connection with an arrest for burglary will not get his car back despite being found not guilty. From KFGO-AM Despite the jury's verdict, a judge has decided that the car will be forfeited to the [...]
Son of Fannie and Freddie
Campaign for Liberty Chairman John Tate cosigned a letter opposing Senate legislation that would get rid of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac....and replace them with a new federal housing agency! This legislation would also create a new [...]
Washington Times: The IRS needs a good spanking
Yesterday, The Washington Times had a great editorial highlighting the most recent IRS abuses, including the targeting of Campaign for Liberty. The tax man, not at all intimidated by widespread disgust at his behavior, is getting ever more [...]
Statism in your coffee?
Is your morning cup of coffee the statists' next target? Maybe, if the author of "7 Worrisome facts about caffeine" has his way. The seventh "worrisome" fact in this article is that the Food and Drug Administration (the same [...]
Food Freedom, it does a body good!
The Food Freedom movement is getting a lot more attention these days, in particular for the bipartisan nature of the effort. In a recent article in The American Conservative magazine titled "Locavore Revolution," Joel Salatin was quoted [...]
The liberty generation?
According to a new poll from Harvard University's Institute of Politics, "millennials," defined as people between the ages of 18-29, have a historically high level of distrust in all institutions of government.* From Business [...]
Man arrested for recording police on cell phone
A Florida man has been charged with obstruction of justice and resisting arrest after he recorded police arresting another individual on his cell phone. From CBS Miami: Estrada says he began recording the episode with his iPhone only after the [...]
Judge rules it is OK to auction widow's home over $6 tax bill
This is what happens when you give the government the power to tax and is one of the reasons why we continue to fight the IRS. A widow owed her county $6.30 in property taxes and unpaid interest. When she didn't pay- she claims she wasn't aware [...]