Liberty NewsWire: January 20, 2012

Most of the websites shut down by a hackers group were up and running early Friday, including the U.S. Department of Justice, FBI and some entertainment sites after one of the federal government's largest anti-piracy [...]

So Much for Separation of Powers

Senator Mike Lee finally got his hands on the Office of Legal Counsel's (OLC) legal advice they gave to President Obama over his recent "recess" appointments to the CFPB and NLRB. From Senator Lee's office:WASHINGTON [...]


The copyright industries in America thought they could pressure Congress into fast-tracking a bill that would be detrimental to the very future of the internet as we know it before most Americans knew anything about it.This past weekend, the tide [...]

The Need for Due Process

In a NYT op-ed this weekend, a former Guantanamo Bay inmate -- falsely accused -- writes about the seven years he spent in Gitmo before his release in a piece called "My Guantanamo Nightmare."ON Wednesday, America’s [...]

Senator Lee Wants Answers On Cordray Appointment

In a recent press release, Senator Lee called on the White House to release the "legal and constitutional rationale" for appointing Cordray as CFPB head during a pro forma session of Congress.WASHINGTON - The President’s [...]

Reps Jones and McGovern call for 2011 Afghanistan National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) to be declassified

The following letter was sent by Reps Jones and McGovern to President Obama-January 12, 2012The Honorable Barack ObamaPresident of the United StatesThe White House1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NWWashington, D.C. 20500Dear Mr. President,Recent media [...]

Republicans Oppose Imperial Presidency--Because the President Isn't a Republican!

Ain't politics wonderful?  For eight years President George W. Bush asserted that he was the equivalent of an elected dictator, kind of a democratic George III.  He could even order the arrest of an American citizen in America to be [...]

Civil Disobedience

On this Martin Luther King, Jr. day, let us remember the important principle of nonviolent direct action that brought about an end to segregation in the South, civil disobedience.I'd encourage our readers to spend a moment today reading [...]

Liberty NewsWire - 1/11/12

The hot-button anti-piracy legislation that sparked a revolt online is starting to become a political liability for some of SOPA’s major backers. Fueled by Web activists and online fundraising tools, challengers are using the bill [...]

DOJ Releases Documents on Bush-Era "Gun Walking"

Politico is reporting the Justice Department released memos today on a Bush-era "gun walking" operation known as "Wide Receiver" conducted between 2006-2007.  Eric Holder made the documents public in response to a [...]