Liberty NewsWire - November 4, 2011

ST. PAUL — A federal judge Thursday tossed out former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura’s lawsuit that argued body searches at airports violated his right against unreasonable and unwarranted searches. - St. Cloud TimesVentura TSA Suit [...]

Liberty NewsWire: November 3, 2011

"You can't take a congressman to lunch for $25 and buy him a hamburger or steak...but you can take him to a fundraising lunch and not only buy him that steak, but give him $25,000 extra and call it a fundraiser...same access...same [...]

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John Wiener has an interesting piece in The Nation today about the health risks posed by the TSA's privacy-shredding body scanners, and he exposes the truth behind the claim that they're FDA-approved.But the ProPublica investigation [...]

Time for Fannie and Freddie To Go

Via Politico:The Obama administration’s efforts to fix the housing crisis may have fallen well short of helping millions of distressed mortgage holders, but they have led to seven-figure paydays for some top executives at troubled mortgage [...]

Liberty NewsWire: November 1, 2011

Flying Proudly Over the Birthplace of Libya's Revolution, the al-Qaeda Flag - DailyMail (UK)“I’m not aware of anything that has been reported that has surprised us out of Libya,” Carney said during a morning press [...]

Rothbard on Taxes

At the 2011 Mises University, Prof. Thomas DiLorenzo discusses the "Rothbardian theory of taxes". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-uit2sV_3w

Senator Paul on "Freedom Watch"

Last night, Senator Paul joined Judge Napolitano on Freedom Watch to discuss the difficulties of getting members of Congress to cut even a few hundred million dollars from the budget (while we continue to run a $1.5 trillion deficit) [...]

Liberty NewsWire: November 2, 2011

Senate Clears $182 billion Spending Bill - Politico“The overall picture, the entire pie is about $10 billion more,” he said. “Unless we can be open and transparent with the American people and acknowledge the fact that [...]

Senate Votes on Appropriations Amendments

This morning, the Senate held votes on several amendments to a FY 2012 Appropriations bill for "Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies programs."  One of the amendments that failed 38-60 [...]

Peter Schiff & Daniel Hannan on Huckabee

Peter Schiff & Daniel Hannan discussed a variety of topics on Huckabee including "Occupy Wall Street," ObamaCare, and solutions for our ailing economy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CRs9J1_MfEMany C4L Members may find the [...]