Violence Against Women Act Does Violence to the Constitution

A common trick of big-government loving politicians is to give legislation names so appealing that it seems no reasonable person could oppose it. The truth is, the more unobjectionable the title, the more objectionable the content. Two well-known [...]

Ron Paul to Donald Trump (and John Bolton): Play Ball

Ron Paul to Donald Trump (and John Bolton): Play Ball Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul recently penned an op-ed criticizing National Security Advisor John Bolton for acting to end an agreement allowing Cuban baseball players passage to [...]

This Week in Congress

The House is in session Tuesday through Friday for a busy week. The bill of most interest to Campaign for Liberty is H.R. 987, which combines legislation designed to prop-up ObamaCare with other legislation designed to lower prescription drug [...]

Liberty at the Movies: Best of 2018

Better late than never, here are the first five of the top ten movies of 2018: 1. Avengers: Infinity War— The Godfather of comic book movies. This film features almost all of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s heroes— Iron Man, Captain [...]

This Week in Congress

The House is in Tuesday through Friday.   The major bill on the agenda is H.R. 986, which would overturn President Trump’s regulation allowing states to opt-out of Obamacare mandates. Under the regulation, states could opt to give their [...]

Ron Paul Classic: Protectionism Abroad, Less Socialism at Home

President Trump has announced plans to give farmers who were hurt by his latest trade war with China another federal bailout! Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue has said this latest round of payments may be as much as $20 billion! Campaign for [...]

This Week in Congress: Part Two

In addition to the bills listed yesterday, the House will also consider H.R. 5, the so-called “Equality Act,” which adds sexual orientation and gender identity to the protected classes under the federal Civil Rights Act. Whatever your [...]

Ron Paul: Losing Income Tax Privacy Is a Real Danger

Last week the New York Times published some of President Trump’s 1980s and 1990s tax returns information. The information detailed President Trump’s financial difficulties during that time. While you would not know it from reading some media [...]

This week in Congress - Part Two

Yesterday, the Senate confirmed three of President Trump’s nominees to the Export-Import Bank (EXIM). EXIM is the poster child for corporate welfare, as the vast majority of its loan guarantees benefit large, politically-connected corporations. [...]

A Nuclear War? Over Venezuela?

Is President Trump about to invade Venezuela? His advisors keep telling us in ever-stronger terms that “all options are on the table” and that US military intervention to restore Venezuela’s constitution “may be necessary.” Secretary of [...]