National Blog - page 88

Liberty at The Movies: Mother! and Justice League are the Worst Movies of the Year
Mother! is not just the worst film of the year, it may be the worst film ever. This film is a pretentious, disjointed mess that, according to the director, is an attack on the religious beliefs of millions of Americans as well as green [...]

Ron Paul: Let Consumers Fly the Open Skies
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul recently penned an essay on Real Clear Politics explaining why the Trump administration should reject requests to “modify” the Open Skies program. Read Dr. Paul’s article here and below: Economic [...]

Liberty at the Movies: Best of 2017
Here is my list of the top ten movies of the year: Get Out— Horror comedy that pays homage to the classic movies like The Stepford Wives and Rosemary’s Baby while making a statement about race relations in America. The bad guys are [...]
Congress Update
Late last week Congress hurried out of town after passing a Continuing Resolution funding the government until January 19. The resolution extends Sec 702 of the FISA Act until January 19. This is a small victory for Campaign for Liberty members [...]

Gambling Away Federalism & an Update on This Week in Congress
It looks like Congress will pass an extension of government funding until mid-January. The joint resolution will provide a temporary extension of Sec 702 of the FISA Act. This is a victory for Campaign for Liberty members as there was a serious [...]

Ron Paul Classic: Give Seniors HSA
Former Texas Congressman and Chair of the Ways and Means Committee Bill Archer recently penned an Op-Ed for The Hill advocating adding Medicare Savings Accounts to Medicare: Allowing Medicare HSAs would give seniors a new and better Medicare [...]

Despite Setbacks, Liberty Will Prevail in 2018
Happy New Year! We always approach a new year with anticipation, hope, and also some worries. Last year was one of the strangest political years I have seen in some time. A new Republican president spent his first year pursuing more or less the [...]

Should We Give In to Big Government?
Leading paleoconservative scholar (and personal friend and a major influences on my thinking) Paul Gottfried has an article at The American Conservative arguing that conservatives should throw in the towel on federal spending: About 10 years [...]

Political Immorality and Personal Immorality
Many Americans have been shocked by recent revelations of the extent of sexual harassment in Congress. However, no one should be too surprised that those who spend their lives defending and expanding the welfare-warfare state engage in immoral [...]

Take action on FISA vote now
The House of Representatives has suspended the rule requiring legislation be publicly available for at least three days before a vote is held. This means the House leadership can put any bill on the House floor and vote on it before members [...]