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     “Our mission is to assert our state’s rights and promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of educational and grassroots political lobbying activity.”

We are an independent state group with tax exempt status under IRC Sec. 501 (C) (4).  We will focus our political activism primarily on local politics. We will influence state and federal legislation through emails, calls and petitions; but, taking back our local governments is a necessity for true representation.

Please join our team of dedicated activists to take our country back.  All around you, the wheels continue to turn.  A liberty activist’s work is never done.

As many of our elected officials continue to treat our Constitution with contempt, it is more important than ever that we actively participate in government at all levels and reinsert common sense into the political conversation.

There is no more important individual in our army of ideas and civic action than the local activist!

The local activist gets our message to their community, identifies like-minded patriots, and mobilizes them to take action.

The goal of each one of us should be to win our own neighborhood for liberty. You can play a pivotal role in training, organizing and mobilizing the people who will select and elect liberty-minded candidates for a wide variety of offices, ranging from Congress to your local school board. You will also lead the charge in fighting for or against local initiatives—effectively transforming your government where it matters most—in your own backyard.

You are the first and most important link in the chain that makes up our representative form of government, and the role you play is essential to grassroots mobilization.

You’ve already taken a very important step in winning your liberties back by signing up as a member.

Here is a list of things you can do to get started building your network of supporters and winning battles:

Attend your local government meetings. Winning our liberties back will require participation in all levels of government, and attendance at meetings such as City Council, County Board, School Board, etc. is essential to keeping abreast of local issues and holding our elected officials accountable. Low attendance allows these officials to operate under the radar, and they make decisions that are not in your best interest as a result. Be sure to record the meetings or take detailed notes so you can share important details with your neighbors and other local activists. (Before recording a meeting, be sure to research any local ordinances regarding the legality of doing so.)

Visit your neighbors and let them know what happened at the meetings you attended—ask them for assistance in passing or defeating initiatives that require attention. If you are able, compose a petition that your neighbors can sign voicing their agreement with you on these issues. You cannot always rely on people to show up for a meeting, but you can demonstrate their support or objections through signed petitions.

Attend meetings and become a source of influence in the local political party of your choice. Changing the make-up of party structures and providing a major source of influence for the grassroots within the party of your choice is integral to our success.

As you begin building your network of supporters by attending the different meetings and visiting your neighbors, be sure to keep records of contact information, issues of concern, and the steps you took or will take to achieve your goals. Once you find an ally, be sure to keep in touch with them to help each other remain motivated.

Finally, keep your eyes open for Campaign for Liberty training courses near you. Our staff is working hard to train activists all across Florida. As soon as training is available near you, you will receive notice via email (provided you have signed up for our email alerts.)

If you are interested in becoming a Local Coordinator or pursuing a county or state level leadership role, we have training materials and a mentor program to assist you. Please send your inquiries to Mark Cross at Mark.Cross@CampaignforLiberty.com.

In the four years since the founding of Florida Campaign for Liberty, we have made great strides forward. Activists are working on important initiatives at the local, state, and national levels, and staff members are working hard to provide the training and support you need in order to be successful.

Our new website, while currently under construction, will provide useful tools you will need to organize, plan, and carry out your goals. There is no need to wait for these tools to come on line --- you can, and should, get started today!

*****Florida Campaign for Liberty is a 501(c)4 lobbying organization which neither supports nor opposes candidates for public office and claims no responsibility for the actions of individuals or groups of individuals who use the Campaign for Liberty logo or name or who may claim to act as representatives of the Campaign for Liberty without prior written consent of the Florida Campaign for Liberty. Because of Florida Campaign for Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501 (C) (4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as a business deduction (IRC § 162(e)(1)).*****

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