Cities using tax dollars to lobby for Internet Sales Tax

It's not enough that politicians in Washington want you to pay taxes on everything you buy on the Internet. Your city and state are likely using your tax dollars to lobby politicians in Washington to raise your taxes! States and localities are facing budget crises across the country and rather than reform their budgets and cut spending, local politicians think the solution is to milk their citizens for more tax dollars through the Internet Sales Tax, also called the Marketplace Fairness Act by proponents who believe that higher and more complicated taxes equals "fairness."

Not only would an Internet Sales Tax increase the amount of taxes you pay on online purchases, it would create a huge burden for small online retailers. Online retailers would be forced to collect and remit sales taxes for the 9,600 tax jurisdictions in the country. This is why the big retailers- Wal-Mart, Amazon, Target, Best Buy, ect. are all in favor of the Internet Sales Tax. They think it will help them put their competition out of business.

What's even worse is that cities are using tax dollars to lobby for higher taxes on their citizens. The Dallas Morning News reports that the city of Dallas, TX has spent $480,000 lobbying the federal government on legislation, including the Marketplace Fairness Act. And if you search filing reports by 'Marketplace Fairness Act' you will see dozens of cities who are using their citizens tax dollars to lobby for higher taxes.

Thomas Jefferson said, "To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical." While a lot of what the government spends my money on would qualify as sinful and tyrannical, spending my money to lobby for higher taxes? That probably takes the cake.

There is a big push to pass the Internet Sales Tax during the lame duck session of Congress, so please SIGN our petition to your representatives telling them to OPPOSE the Internet Sales Tax.

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