Constitutional Carry Introduced in Georgia!

Over the last several months we alerted you to the abysmal and shameful state of Georgia’s current gun laws.

We’ve shown you how liberal Vermont, with its Socialist Senator, has Constitutional Carry while Georgia does not.

We’ve asked you to sign our Constitutional Carry petition, and you have responded in droves.

Now it is time clean up the books and restore Constitutional Carry in Georgia!

The Georgia Campaign for Liberty is pleased to report that Representative Jason Spencer (R-Woodbine) has introduced House Bill 679, the Georgia Constitutional Carry Act of 2012.

This legislation, as introduced, meets all of the requirements for “Constitutional Carry”. This legislation:

  1. removes licensing requirements for law abiding citizens, and
  2. preserves reciprocity with other states.

Speaking on his motivation for introducing the bill, Representative Spencer stated:

Law abiding citizens should not have to be fingerprinted and cataloged like common criminals just to be able to defend themselves, their family, and their property.”

“Furthermore, mandatory licensing only serves to deter law abiding citizens from exercising their God given rights; a criminal intent on causing violence will not stop to ensure that they are in compliance before committing a crime."

(emphasis added)

With the 2012 session of the Georgia General Assembly starting on January 9th, we must act now to let our representatives know that we support the Georgia Constitutional Carry Act of 2012.

Our first step is to encourage the Judiciary - Non-Civil Committee members to hold public hearings on the Georgia Constitutional Carry Act of 2012.

Please contact each of these Representatives and ask them to give written support for public hearings on the the Georgia Constitutional Carry Act of 2012:

Pro-2nd Amendment legislation should sail through both houses of the General Assembly with their wide Republican majorities. But we all know how hard the establishment tries to squash any grassroot effort that might expose their hypocrisy.

That is why I am asking you to also contact Representative Jason Spencer and thank him for being brave enough to stand tall for Constitutional Carry in Georgia:

We have a long, hard fight ahead of us for Constitutional Carry in Georgia.

Please contact the Representatives on the Judicial - Non-Civil Committee today, and encourage them to give written support for public hearings on the Georgia Constitutional Carry Act of 2012.

Yours in Liberty,

Nathan Adams
Interim State Coordinator
Georgia Campaign for Liberty

P.S. Don’t forget to contact the Representatives on the Judicial - Non-Civil Committee today, and encourage them to give written support for public hearings on the Georgia Constitutional Carry Act of 2012.

P.P.S. If you haven’t done so already, please sign our Constitutional Carry petition today!

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