Liberty NewsWire - August 08, 2011

Speaking from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Jonathan Corpina of Meridian Equities Partners, a broker dealer, said the mood on the floor among traders and investors was more intense than ever. ..."This is something none of us have ever experienced before in business," he said.  "We don't know what the ripple effects are going to be." - New York Times

"The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. So there is zero probability of default" said Greenspan on NBC's Meet the Press. - CNBC

Greenspan: No Chance of Default, U.S. Can Print Money - CNBC

Moody's Says U.S. Needs to Find More Deficit Cuts - Reuters

FY2011 Deficit tops $1 Trillion, 2 Months to Go - The Washington Times

Debt Issuers Brace for Impact from U.S. Downgrade - Reuters 

Latest Market Updates - New York Times

S&P Downgrades Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Others - CNBC

S&P Downgrades U.S. Credit Rating from AAA, First Time Since 1917 - The Washington Times

S&P's Beers Says Risks on Downside for Future U.S. Rating - Reuters

S&P Exec: No Regrets on Downgrading U.S. Debt - CBS News

S&P Exec: Could Take Over a Decade to Restore U.S. Credit Rating - The Hill

Geithner to Stay on as Treasury Chief - Reuters

Geithner Staying at Treasury, Says Congress 'Owns the Credit Rating' - The Hill

Parties Ratchet Up Blame Game Post Credit Downgrade - Reuters

Stocks Tumble After Downgrade of U.S. Debt - CBS News

U.S. Stocks, Oil, Dolar Fall on Downgrade - Reuters

Gold Vaults Over $1,700 Amid Debt Worries - CNBC

Central Bankers Confront Which Risk Scares Most - Bloomberg

World Finance Leaders Discuss Market Stability - CBS News

G7 Gives First Sign Ready to Battle Crisis - Reuters

U.S, China Claim Progress on Audit Oversight - WSJ

81 Congressmen Going to Israel on Break - CBS News

Mortgage Paperwork Mess: Next Housing Shock? - CBS News

Small Airports Struggle to Get Off the Ground - WSJ

30,000 College Students Kicked Out of Food Aid in Michigan - Detroit News


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