Put this in the category of: amusing, yet unexpectedly insightful.
Lindsay Lohan Have you guys seen food and gas prices lately? U.S. $ will soon be worthless if the Fed keeps printing money!
In the post to her 2 million + followers, Lohan links to the National Inflation Association website, "ad or no " she tweeted later, "it's important for people to be aware of it."
Murray Rothbard once suggested the housewife was a better judge of inflation than analyists who only look at the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Though Lohan is certainly no houswife, the fallen starlet is certainly closer to reality on this topic than Bernanke and the Fed Economists.
On a side note: In a recent survey of central bank reserve managers around the world, more than half believe the Dollar is on its way out as the world reserve currency over the next 25 years.