Local common law Constitution


Local common law Constitution for my abode, village, _________________ county, Nevada Country, for Almighty Freedom granted by Almighty God for Local people Equal in Peace and do no harm; for Nation America, a free Republic for the united States of America;

In the Beginning Almighty God, the Creator, Divine Providence, continues with indigenous power; by Almighty Freedom granted by Almighty God to Family of Man;

by Local common law by Local common consent & sense;

by Local people live on Local land for my abode, ___________________ village, a free republic

for ___________________ county Settlement, a free republic,

for Nevada Country Settlement, a free republic, :state:

for Nation America, a free Republic for the united States of America; displacing CROWN,UNITED STATES and predator others.

At liberty in Peace and Local to _______________________ village Settlement, a free republic,

for ________________________county Settlement, a free republic,

for Nevada Country Settlement, a free republic, :state:

for Nation America, a free Republic for the united States of America;

displacing CROWN, UNITED STATES, and predator others.

I hereby FORM, CONTINUE and INVOKE a more perfect free republic by live energy Autograph

in Witness Protection in Peace in Almighty Freedom granted by Almighty God continuous with

indigenous power for my abode, ___________ village and ___________ county Settlement, a free republic,

for Nevada Country Settlement, a free republic, :state:

for Nation America, a free Republic for the united States of America;

displacing CROWN, UNITED STATES, and predator others.

All metes and bounds are taken from those used by predator others respectively; past, present and future; Almighty Freedom is supreme in a free republic and in Nation America, a free Republic for the united States of America. As NOW marked here is Local common law by Local common consent & sense;


Established, Witnessed and continued… in Witness Protection in Truth and in Peace; and no other by live energy Autograph; DONE as ONE with Spirit for Man; in and for Family of Man and Local people(s), men and women, live on Local lands by my hand

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