Audit the Fed Reaches Cosponsor Record in the Senate

Thanks to your support and action, S. 202, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, has reached a new cosponsor milestone in the Senate - 34!  That's the highest amount of support this bill has ever received in that chamber.

We're excited about this latest development, and we believe it won't be the last good news as C4L members continue to turn up the pressure on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and the rest of the Senate to support this historic legislation.

If you haven't yet signed our Action Fax Authorization Form, please do so today.  You can also follow up on your fax by calling Senator Reid's office at 202-224-3542 to demand he allow a roll call vote on Audit the Fed (H.R. 459/S. 202) right away.

Current cosponsors follow, with the date they signed on: 

Sen Ayotte, Kelly - 9/10/2012
Sen Barrasso, John - 10/6/2011
Sen Begich, Mark - 9/12/2012
Sen Blunt, Roy - 10/6/2011
Sen Boozman, John - 5/24/2011
Sen Brown, Scott P. - 9/19/2012
Sen Burr, Richard - 10/6/2011
Sen Chambliss, Saxby - 7/25/2011
Sen Coburn, Tom - 10/6/2011
Sen Cochran, Thad - 7/25/2012
Sen Cornyn, John - 3/28/2012
Sen Crapo, Mike - 9/6/2011
Sen DeMint, Jim - 1/26/2011
Sen Enzi, Michael B. - 8/2/2012
Sen Graham, Lindsey - 7/17/2012
Sen Grassley, Chuck - 10/31/2011
Sen Hatch, Orrin G. - 5/24/2011
Sen Heller, Dean - 6/22/2011
Sen Hutchison, Kay Bailey - 9/12/2012
Sen Inhofe, James M. - 10/6/2011
Sen Isakson, Johnny - 9/10/2012
Sen Kirk, Mark Steven - 7/31/2012
Sen Lee, Mike - 3/1/2011
Sen McCain, John - 10/31/2011
Sen Moran, Jerry - 9/10/2012
Sen Murkowski, Lisa - 7/23/2012
Sen Risch, James E. - 10/6/2011
Sen Rubio, Marco - 10/6/2011
Sen Sessions, Jeff - 9/19/2012
Sen Shelby, Richard C. - 8/2/2012
Sen Thune, John - 10/6/2011
Sen Toomey, Pat - 8/1/2012
Sen Vitter, David - 1/26/2011
Sen Wicker, Roger F. - 10/6/2011

If you don't see one or both of your senators on this list, contact them today!

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