Fight back against Montgomery County Red Light Cameras

Montgomery County residents are fighting back against the dangerous and unconstitutional Red Light Cameras.

Please sign up below to receive updates about this issue in Montgomery County or if you would like to help in the fight. We need people to help with everything from putting a sign in their yard to working a few hours on election day.

Even if you aren't a voter in Conroe or Cleveland, you can still help get the word out to your friends and family, and pitch in to help get rid of the "taxation by citation" Red Light Cameras.

Right now in Montgomery County, citizens are fighting back against the cameras in Cleveland and in Conroe.

In Cleveland, citizens have turned in a petition to force the cameras on the ballot - just like voters in Baytown, Houston, College Station, and Dayton did. Unfortunately, since the city wants to keep the millions of dollars rolling in, they have been fighting the voters all the way. The Mayor and City Attorney are working hand-in-hand with the corrupt camera company to deny the people a vote on the issue. The city threw a lawsuit filed by the camera company to stop the election. The Cleveland Council put up a less than half-hearted defense - even allowing a judge from another county to decide the case!

Our friends in this fight can use all the help they can get from you! Cleveland residents are demanding the city not renew the contract with the camera vendor when the contract ends next year. But without pressuring the council to end the contract, they will continue to violate the rights of drivers every day!

In Conroe, voter outrage forced the City Council to place the camera issue on the ballot in the May 2014 city election. But they are still playing games with your election because they don't want to give the money up!

The Conroe Council and City Attorney worded the ballot language so that if you are against the city keeping the cameras, you have to vote "for" the Red Light Camera proposition to end the camera contract.

That's right, if you are "against" the cameras you have to vote "for" the proposition that would ban the cameras. Make sure your friends and family don't get confused about the language so the city doesn't trick them out of their vote.

Why are they doing this? Because they know that every single time Texas voters get a say on the cameras, they say NO - by as much as 77% against the cameras. They want to act like they are giving you a choice, while still doing what they can to keep the cameras operating and the money coming in.

If you sign up below, we will keep you updated about events as they happen. Please make sure you spread the word around to make Montgomery County camera-free!

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