Stop the Hamblen County Tax Scheme

Dear Hamblen County Citizen,

Our county commissioners and county mayor are scheming to increase our taxes in Hamblen County through one of three options.  Their proposed options are as follows:

Option 1.  A 10 cent property tax increase.

Option 2.  A $22.00 increase to the county wheel tax. This will increase the wheel tax from $27.00 to $49.00 per vehicle -- $22.00 increase. 

Option 3.  A 3 cent property tax increase and $16.00 wheel tax increase.

Our county commissioners and county mayor have been giving away our tax dollars and giving huge tax breaks to their special interest and developer friends.

Remember, in February of 2014 they voted to give away $100,000 to the Morristown-Hamblen Hospital Foundation Fund. They have also given TIFs (Tax Increment Financing) to six retail developers, and tax breaks for their developer friends.

This means the loss of tens of millions of property tax dollars.

As if that is not enough, the county commissioners voted to give away over a million dollars per year of taxpayer money to nonprofits in the past years.

Now they are coming to you and me to make up the difference. 

Please help us stop this tax increase.

Please do your part by signing the petition below. And please contact your county commissioners and let them know that you won`t stand for their tax increase schemes.


In Liberty,

Charles Cook
Hamblen County Coordinator
Tennessee Campaign for Liberty


Petition to stop the tax increase to my Hamblen County Commissioners

Whereas, the Taxpayers of Hamblen County are already taxed enough; and

Whereas, most people are working harder and taking home less money and cannot afford a tax increase.

Therefore, I demand that you vote against any tax increase.

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