Political leadership training classes coming to The Woodlands and Round Rock

Do you know how to work the legislature, or are you going to be worked over by the legislature...again?

I am confident that you understand the power of ideas.  But good ideas are not worth anything if they are not put into action.

If you and I are going to spend our time and treasure trying to reclaim the Republic, then let’s do it to win.

The Texas Campaign for Liberty is hosting two separate One-Day Political Leadership Schools on Saturday, September 6 and Sunday, September 7.    

Over the last 3 years, this school has trained over 4,000 activists in more than 35 states.  Every one of our instructors have years of experience running winning campaigns and legislative projects in multiple state legislatures.  They will share their stories of what works (and what doesn’t) during this information-packed school.

Click here to purchase your ticket to the September 6 school in The Woodlands, TX.

Click here to purchase your ticket to the September 7 school in Round Rock, TX.

At this school you will learn how to create meaningful change and what you must do to be respected and feared by politicians.

You must be at this school!

This intense one-day training covers all this and much more!

This class will teach you how to turn your passion into action. I sincerely hope you can attend.

Click here to purchase your ticket to the September 6 school in The Woodlands, TX.

Click here to purchase your ticket to the September 7 school in Round Rock, TX.

You owe it to your ideas and principles to learn how to become the most effective activist you can be.

In Liberty,

Byron Schirmbeck
Texas Campaign for Liberty

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