Stop DNA on Arrest in Wisconsin

Thank you so much for all of the calls you put in to your legislators demanding that DNA on Arrest be removed from the budget bill.

The great news is we now have a Joint Finance Committee hearing on this issues on Thursday.

As you know Governor Walkers invasive proposal backed by assembly leader Robin Vos will mandate that your DNA be taken and put forever on record if you are charged with a felony, not proven guilty, only charged.

What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

I am asking you to now call the members of the Joint Finance Committee and demand that they remove DNA on Arrest from the Budget bill.

Tell them you will not stand for being considered guilty until proven innocent. Tell them to remove support for "DNA on Arrest" from the budget bill.

First here is the phone number for the Joint Finance Committee Clerk (608) 264-8314, tell the person who answers you want to leave a message for all members of the committee.

Second, call each member individually:

Senate Members

Senator Alberta Darling, Co-Chair (608) 266-5830
Senator Luther Olsen 
(608) 266-0751
Senator Sheila Harsdorf 
(608) 266-7745
Senator Joe Leibham 
(608) 266-2056
Senator Mary Lazich 
(608) 266-5400
Senator Glenn Grothman 
(608) 266-7513
Senator Jennifer Shilling 
(608) 266-5490
Senator Robert Wirch 
(608) 267-8979

Assembly Members

Representative John Nygren, Co-Chair (608) 266-2343
Representative Pat Strachota 
(608) 264-8486
Representative Dale Kooyenga 
(608) 266-9180
Representative Dean Knudson 
(608) 266-1526
Representative Dan LeMahieu 
(608) 266-9175
Representative John Klenke 
(608) 266-0485
Representative Cory Mason 
(608) 266-0634
Representative Jon Richards 
(608) 266-0650

Third,  email them all by just copying these email addresses and pasting them into your "to" field in your email:

Sen.Darling@legis.wisconsin.gov, Sen.Olsen@legis.wisconsin.gov, Sen.Harsdorf@legis.wisconsin.gov, Sen.Leibham@legis.wisconsin.gov, Sen.Lazich@legis.wisconsin.gov, Sen.Grothman@legis.wisconsin.gov, Sen.Shilling@legis.wisconsin.gov, Sen.Wirch@legis.wisconsin.gov, Rep.Nygren@legis.wisconsin.gov, Rep.Strachota@legis.wisconsin.gov, Rep.Kooyenga@legis.wisconsin.gov, Rep.Knudson@legis.wisconsin.gov, Rep.LeMahieu@legis.wisconsin.gov, Rep.Klenke@legis.wisconsin.gov, Rep.Mason@legis.wisconsin.gov, Rep.Richards@legis.wisconsin.gov

Please, will you call and email the Joint Finance Committee? Tell them you will not stand for being considered guilty until proven innocent. Tell them to remove support for "DNA on Arrest" from the budget bill.

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