Maryland 2018 Federal

Dear Supporter,

Campaign for Liberty gave candidates for State Legislature an opportunity to provide a straight answer to the following questions.

Survey Questions

1. Will you cosponsor and support efforts for roll call votes on the Audit the Fed bill, designed to bring transparency to the Federal Reserve?

2. Will you oppose legislation allowing roving wiretaps and warrantless searches and oppose Patriot Act renewal that includes such items?

3. Will you support legislation that would end “policing for profit,” including equitable sharing, require charges to be filed before any assets are seized by law enforcement, and ensure that property is returned if charges are dropped or the suspect is acquitted?

4. Will you oppose all tax and fee increases and vote for tax cuts?

5. Will you support efforts to slash wasteful spending and oppose any debt limit increase?

6. Will you oppose any Internet Sales Tax scheme that forces online businesses to collect sales taxes and increases costs on the American consumer?

7. Will you support all efforts to slash government bureaucracy, increase accountability, and vote to pass the REINS Act?

8. Will you support legislation to fully repeal PPACA?

9. Will you oppose all efforts to ban Online Gaming?

10. Will you oppose using military action without a congressional declaration of war?

Survey Results

Key: = Yes, = No, = Chose not to answer

Office District Party Name Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10
U.S. Representative 1 R Andy Harris
U.S. Representative 1 D Jesse Colvin
U.S. Representative 1 L Jenica Martin
U.S. Representative 2 R Liz Matory
U.S. Representative 2 D C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger
U.S. Representative 2 G Guy Mimoun
U.S. Representative 2 L Michael Carney
U.S. Representative 3 R Charles Anthony
U.S. Representative 3 D John Sarbanes
U.S. Representative 3 L David Lashar
U.S. Representative 4 R George McDermott
U.S. Representative 4 D Anthony G. Brown
U.S. Representative 4 L David Bishop
U.S. Representative 5 R William A. Devine
U.S. Representative 5 D Steny H. Hoyer
U.S. Representative 5 G Patrick Elder
U.S. Representative 5 L Jacob Pulcher
U.S. Representative 6 R Amie Hoeber
U.S. Representative 6 D David Trone
U.S. Representative 6 G George Gluck
U.S. Representative 6 L Kevin Caldwell
U.S. Representative 7 R Richmond Davis
U.S. Representative 7 D Elijah Cummings
U.S. Representative 7 L David Griggs
U.S. Representative 8 R John Walsh
U.S. Representative 8 D Jamie Raskin
U.S. Representative 8 L Jasen Wunder
U.S. Senator R Tony Campbell
U.S. Senator D Ben Cardin
U.S. Senator I Neal Simon
U.S. Senator L Arvin Vohra