Continuous monitoring of what individuals choose to eat and drink may seem like something out of a dystopian science-fiction, but, if some federally-funded researchers get their way it will soon be a reality. The National Science Foundation has given $50,000 to Florida International University to "develop a watch-like device linked to a smartphone that police departments could use to monitor the blood alcohol content of DUI offenders."
While right now the plan is to only require those already convicted of DWI to carry the device, it is likely only a matter of time before the government requires everyone to wear one...for our own good and for the children. Of course, the government will need to restrict the second amendment rights of those who regularly over-consume. After all, we can't have a bunch of drunks running around with guns...think of the children.
And why not further develop this technology to monitor whether or not we are eating right and getting enough exercise. After all, those who lead unhealthy lifestyles burden the health care system and make taxpayers pay more. Besides it is for your own good...and for the children. Seriously, use of this technology will lead to widespread violations of civil liberties and denial of due process. After all, no system is fail safe and each individual reacts to alcohol, differently.
So this could end up taking away rights of individuals who did not actually violate any laws. But I guess those concerns pale in comparison to the need to protect us...from ourselves. (hat/tip: The Free Beacon).
Tags: nanny state