Tricia Feijo, FsHom, has practiced homeopathy professionally since 1993, certified through Pioneer University UK, The Renaissance Institute of Classical Homeopathy, and The New England School of Classical Homeopathy.
Prior to founding Daniel Chapter One with her husband Jim, Tricia worked as a lab technician in Cancer Research involved in both animal and human studies. After personally researching the Cancer Industry and alternative therapies, she left Mason Research to attend UMass Dartmouth.
Tricia and her husband Jim began their world ministry in 1983, calling it Daniel Chapter One after the Old Testament account. They began the health store aspect of the ministry in 1986 to help support home churches in communist countries. Fifteen years ago, they started a radio program now nationally syndicated, Daniel Chapter One HealthWatch, and in 2000 started Accent Radio Network as a vehicle for conservative radio programming.
Jim Feijo is a graduate of Springfield College and holds BS degrees in Health, Biology,and Physical Education and an M.Ed in Psychological Services. He taught and coached from 1970-1985.
In 1987 Jim wrote a computer program to assist in assessing the nutritional needs of an individual, and began to design uniquely bioavailable dietary supplements. The science he called “BioMolecular Nutrition” received national and international attention. The Feijos were invited to conduct research at the Beijing Research Institute of Sports Science, China in 1990-1991, and have lectured at many universities in the U.S.A.