The big news in Congress right now is the failure of McConnellCare. As I write this, a vote on full repeal of ObamaCare has not yet been scheduled, but one is expected soon.
Senator McConnell has also invoked "Rule 14" on the FDA User Fee Reauthorization bill, which contains the provision allowing individuals to obtain hearing aids without seeking permission from a government-licensed dispenser. Hopefully, the Senate will soon pass this legislation.
The House is in session Monday through Thursday. Among the items on the House agenda is H.R. 806, which gives greater flexibility to comply with federal ozone requirements.
The House will also consider a number of bills under suspension of the rules, including two dealing with the troubled DC metro.
H.J.Res. 92 allows DC, Virginia, and Maryland to make changes to the DC metro system without seeking approval from the federal government.
H.J.Res. 76 gives permission to DC, Virginia, and Maryland to form a new metro "safety commission" (as if a new commission would solve the metro's problems).
Tags: Obamacare, Hearing Aids, US Congress, HR 806, DC Metro