This week in Congress UPDATE on NDAA and FDA

The FDA user Fee Reauthorizaiton Act will contain the provision allowing individuals to purchase hearing aid without obtaining permission from a government-licensed dispenser.

Campaign for Liberty members should call their Representatives and tell them to vote in favor of allowing Americans to purchase hearing aids without a government dispenser.

The House Rules Committee meets today at 3 p.m. to consider amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act.

Among the amendments submitted are three by Reps. Justin Amash (R-Mich.), Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), Ted Lieu (D-Calif.), and Suzan DelBene (D-Wash.). These three lawmakers are offering amendments that would prohibit the use of federal funds for warantless wiretapping and bar the government from mandating that software manufacturers build-in defective encryption into their products to facilitate NSA or FBI snooping.

Campaign for Liberty members who  Representatives sit on the Rules Committee should call them and tell them to vote to make amendments 343, 344, and 345 in order.

Read more about this amendments here.

Campaign for Liberty has also cosigned a letter in support of making the some fiscally conservative rules in order:

July 11, 2017

Dear Representative,

On behalf of our organizations and our combined memberships, we urge that the House Committee on Rules make the following amendments in order for consideration during debate on H.R. 2810, the National Defense Authorization bill for Fiscal Year 2018.

Each of these amendments relates to issues of importance to fiscal conservatives. We strongly believe the Pentagon’s budget should not be shielded from efforts to root out waste and prioritize funding investments. Consideration of the substance of these amendments will allow a public debate on this issue.

Amendment #44 offered by Mr. Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania on a process to minimize duplication and reduce costs in studies and analysis research.

Amendment #52 offered by Mr. Smith of Washington to establish a new round of Base Closure and Realignment.

Amendment #67 offered by Mr. McClintock of California to strike the prohibition on a new round of Base Closure and Realignment.

Amendment #69 offered by Mr. Biggs of Arizona on auditing the Pentagon.

Amendment #85 offered by Mr. Burgess, Ms. Lee, Mr. Welch, Mr. DeFazio, Ms. Schakowsky and Mr. Lance for a report on auditing the Pentagon.

Amendment #97 offered by Mr. Cicilline of Rhode Island to update guidelines regarding the Overseas Contingency Operation (OCO) account.

Amendment #131 offered by Mr. Conyers, Mr. Blumenauer, Mr. Norman and Mr. Lewis to require public disclosure of certain cost information regarding the Long Range Strike Bomber.

Amendment #142 offered by Mr. Garamendi, Mr. Quigley, Mr. Blumenauer and Mr. Larsen to amend an annual report regarding the costs of the nuclear program.

Amendment #143 offered by Mr. Rogers of Alabama to amend an annual report regarding the costs of the nuclear program.

Amendment #286 offered by Mr. Graves of Louisiana to perform a cost-benefit analysis of military commissaries and exchanges.

Amendment #314 by Mr. Blumenauer, Mr. Garamendi and Mr. Quigley requiring the Nuclear Posture Review to be completed before all funds are expended on a certain missile system.

Amendment #318 by Mr. Norman of South Carolina requiring a publicly available update to the Department of Defense Infrastructure Capacity report of March, 2016.

Amendment #322 by Mr. Norman of South Carolina requiring the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Department of Defense (DoD) to establish separate budget accounts for OCO funds.

Amendment #323 offered by Mr. Sanford of South Carolina on the costs of military flyovers.

Amendment #324 offered by Mr. Sanford of South Carolina codifying an OMB memorandum regarding designation of programs as eligible for OCO funding.

Amendment #325 offered by Mr. Sanford and Mr. Hastings striking a requirement on footwear for newly enlisted members of the armed forces.

Amendment #371 offered by Mr. Conaway, Mr. Courtney, Mr. Jones and Ms. Lee regarding an audit of the Pentagon.

Amendment #380 offered by Ms. Lee and Mr. Jones regarding a reduction to the OCO account.

Again, we urge the House Committee on Rules make these amendments in order for consideration during debate on H.R. 2810, the National Defense Authorization bill for Fiscal Year 2018.


Campaign for Liberty

Center for Freedom and Prosperity

Coalition to Reduce Spending

Concerned Veterans for America

Council for Citizens Against Government Waste

Defense Priorities

National Taxpayers Union

R Street Institute

Taxpayers for Common Sense

Taxpayers Protection Alliance

Tea Party Nation

Campaign for Liberty is also cosigning a letter in support of an amendment blocking the use of taxpayer funds to enforce President Obama;'s Executive Order requiring the Defense Department to create climate change programs:

Dear Representative,

The undersigned organizations write in strong support of Representative Warren Davidson's amendment #388 to H. R. 2810, the National Defense Authorization Act, that if enacted would prevent the Department of Defense from continuing to implement Executive Order 13693. This executive order requires the Department of Defense to create a number of climate change programs and policies throughout the Department.

These climate programs and policies have nothing to do with the mission of the United States' Armed Services. In fact, many of these programs and policies are likely to undermine military readiness by diverting scarce resources to such things as helping state and local governments to "go green," meeting targets for reducing carbon dioxide emissions, meeting a variety of green energy quotas, meeting fleet requirements for low and zero emissions vehicles, and incorporating climate resilience and preparedness as principal aims of land and water management.

As you know, President Trump repealed a similar Executive Order (13653), which required the Department of Defense to develop "comprehensive plans that integrate consideration of climate change into agency operations and overall mission objectives." We applaud President Trump for repealing Executive Order 13653. In our view, this was an entirely unsuitable addition to the critical mission of our men and women in uniform. Rep. Davidson’s amendment would continue President Trump’s work and further curtail the Department of Defense’s unnecessary and irrelevant forays into climate change policy.

For these reasons, we urge you to vote Yes on Rep. Davidson’s amendment #388 to H. R. 2810. Thank you for considering our views.




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