National Blog - page 106

Liberty at the movies: Do Not Resist
Anyone who doubts that America is well on its way to becoming a police state should watch Do Not Resist, a new documentary available for free download at Do Not Resist examines the militarization of police. Like the best [...]

Ron Paul on War and Peace in the Age of Trump
Our friends at the Ludwig von Mises Institute and the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity recently hosted a one-day special conference with Ron Paul on "War and Peace in the Age of Trump." The conference took place in Dr. Paul's [...]

The Federal Reserve Is, and Always Has Been, Politicized
From Ron Paul's Weekly Column: Audit the Fed recently took a step closer to becoming law, when it was favorably reported by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. This means the House could vote on the bill at any time. The [...]

Ron Paul on Taxes
Since millions of Americas are right now wrestling with their 1040 forms on the eve of the tax filing deadline, this seems like a good time to revisit some of Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's writing on taxes. 1. Cut, Don't Reform [...]

Campaign for Liberty to Congress: Give the taxpayer's MERIT
Campaign for Liberty has joined a coalition letter in support of the MERIT Act (H.R. 559). This legislation, introduced by Representative Barry Loudermilk (GA-11), provides a new process for firing federal employees who "underperform" or engage [...]

The state of the liberty movement in the Trump era
My friend Jack Hunter, Editor of RARE Liberty, recently wrote a piece asking (and answering) an important question: Who are We? The Liberty Movement in the Trump Era. In the article, Jack recounts the history of the modern libertarian -- or [...]

Tribute to Will Grigg
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul issued the following statement regarding the passing of Will Grigg: Last week, the Liberty movement lost one of its most eloquent and courageous voices when William Grigg passed away at the far too young [...]

Liberty at the movies: Risen
Looking for a good Easter movie with a libertarian theme? Try Risen, a 2016 release that details the resurrection story from the point of view of the Roman tribune assigned to investigate rumors of the resurrection of Jesus Christ following His [...]
Governors to Feds: Hands Off the Internet!
The National Governors Association sent the following letter to Unite States Attorney General Jeff Sessions urging him to not overturn the Justice Department's 2011 memo that the Federal Wireless Act does not give the federal government the [...]

After Trump’s Syria Attack, What Comes Next?
From Ron Paul's weekly column at the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity: Thursday’s US missile attack on Syria must represent the quickest foreign policy U-turn in history. Less than a week after the White House gave Assad [...]