National Blog - page 119
Liberty at the movies: Hell or High Water, Equity, Don't Breathe
Hell or High Water, Don't Breathe, and Equity are three "small" films that, while not pro-liberty or even explicitly political, cast an interesting look at life in the post-"great recession" era. Don't Breathe has (justifiably) become the [...]
What To Expect in the Lame Duck: More Spending
Congress has left DC to hit the campaign trail. Before leaving, the House and Senate rushed through a Continuing Resolution keeping the government open until December 9. The CR funds most government agencies at existing levels. It also [...]
Happy Coffee Day
One day late, but I did not get enough coffee... Yesterday was National Coffee Day, a day to celebrate the beloved beverage that gets so many of us going in the morning and keeps us going throughout the day. While today coffee is such an [...]
Thomas Massie: Audit the Fed!
Representative Thomas Masse (KY-04), lead sponsor of the Audit the Fed legislation, recently penned an Op-Ed for the Kentucky Courtier-Journal laying out the case for passing the bill: Beyond spurious internet ads urging, “Refinance your [...]
Wells Fargo or the Federal Reserve: Who’s the Bigger Fraud?
The Wells Fargo bank account scandal took center stage in the news last week and in all likelihood will continue to make headlines for many weeks to come. What Wells Fargo employees did in opening bank accounts without customers' authorization [...]
As Iceland goes, so goes the world?
During the 2008 market meltdown, Iceland imposed capital controls on foreign investors in "offshore Krona funds" (Krona is Iceland's currency). Now Iceland's government has announced it is lifting the controls. So lovers of liberty should [...]
After Peres, Is Peace Possible in the Middle East?
The death of former Israeli president and prime minister Shimon Peres last week marks the last of the Zionist “old guard” who successfully fought for a UN mandate to establish the state of Israel in what was formerly British Palestine. Much [...]
Campaign for Liberty supports ending "occupational licensing"
Campaign for Liberty has joined a coalition letter supporting the Alternatives to Licensing that Lower Obstacles to Work (ALLOW) Act (S. 3158). This legislation, introduced by Senator Mike Lee of Utah, limits the use of "occupational licenses" [...]
This week in Congress: Will the Government Shutdown?
Probably not but I can dream... The House and the Senate have returned to work. The major item on the agenda remains the Continuing Resolution keeping the government open until December 9. If a continuing resolution is not signed into law [...]
Liberty at the movies: Snowden
Snowden is Oliver Stone's "biopic" about the world's most famous whistle-blower. It is also one of the best films of the year and may be Stone's best movie ever. Snowden uses the story of it protagonist's journey from a true believer in [...]