National Blog - page 121

This week in Congress: Ex-Im Bank in the CR?
As I mentioned in my prior post on this week in Congress, there is an effort to add language to the Continuing Resolution changing the Export-Import Bank's (Ex-Im Bank) quorum requirement in order to get around Senate Banking Committee Chairman [...]

Why Are We Sending $38 Billion to Rich and Powerful Israel?
Last week’s announcement of a record-breaking US aid package for Israel underscores how dangerously foolish and out-of-touch is our interventionist foreign policy. Over the next ten years, the US taxpayer will be forced to give Israel some $38 [...]

Campaign for Liberty to Senate: Say No to WARDA
Tomorrow. the Senate votes on the S. 2848, the Water Resources Development Act (WARDA) of 2016. This bill, which reauthorizes the Corps of Engineers projects, is full of wasteful spending and projects funded based on the political influence of [...]

The Fed Plans for the Next Crisis
In her recent address at the Jackson Hole monetary policy conference, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen suggested that the Federal Reserve would raise interest rates by the end of the year. Markets reacted favorably to Yellen’s suggested rate [...]

Jobs or Taxes?
I'll take jobs... Apple CEO Tom Cook became my new hero when, in response to the European Commission's ruling that Apple "owes" Ireland almost $15 billion in taxes, he said: You can have taxes or you can have jobs, but Apple is in no mood [...]

This week in Congress
The US Senate is currently working on a "continuing resolution" that would extend government spending until December 9. The resolution is expected to pass the Senate and the House by the end of the week. Assuming the CR passes, the House and [...]

Campaign for Liberty to Congress: No Lame Duck
While most of America's attention is focused on the upcoming election, Congressional leadership has already begun planning for the post-election "lame duck" session. The House and Senate are currently engaged in negotiations over passing a [...]
This week in Congress
The House is in Monday though Thursday this week. Withoiut a doubt, the best legislation the is HR 3590 that raises the amount of health care expenses that individuals can deduct from their taxes. The House will also consider HR 5620, [...]

Campaign for Liberty to Congress: Leave MMA Alone
Americans can take comfort in the fact that Congress is not letting intensification issues like the skyrocketing national debt, the lack of economic growth, or the numerous international crisis caused by our hyper-interventionist foreign policy [...]

Ron Paul Statement on Phyllis Schlafly R.I.P.
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul issued the following statement regarding the passing of Phyllis Schlafly: “My wife Carol and I join Phyllis Schlafly’s many friends and admirers in mourning her passing and sending our deepest [...]