RON PAUL: For Normal Relations With Cuba, End US Interventionism

Last week we saw an encouraging sign that the 50 year cold war between the US and Cuba was finally coming to an end. President Obama announced on Wednesday that the US and Cuba would restore full diplomatic relations and that embassies could be [...]

Guess who benefited from Obamacare?

According to Obamacare architect Johnathan "we passed Obamacare cause people are stupid" Gruber the big pharmaceutical companies where "major winners" from the bill. Gruber sent the following e-mail to a White House official: "Pharma is going [...]

US Government on path to becoming Greece

Jason Ruslle at The Washington Examiner looks at the projections of government debt and finds that, unless America reverses course, we could soon resemble Greece: With all the chaos unravelling in Greece, Congress would be wise to do what it [...]

Ex-Im Bank Dies (For Now)

Last night, Congress' authorization for the Export-Import Bank (more aptly called the Bank of Boeing) expired. The bank, which provides taxpayer-backed loans to foreign companies buying American products made by some of the country's largest [...]

Surveillance State supporters have a temper tantrum

In a bizarre move that I do not recall ever seeing in my years on Capitol Hill, the Intelligence Committee has sent a letter to members of Congress who voted for the Massie-Lofgren amendment to the Defense Appropriations bill, asking them to [...]

Pete Townshend channels Ron Paul

This week,  rock legend Pete Townshend of The Who  released Truancy, a compilation of  some of his best solo work. Truancy also contains two new songs. One of the new songs, Guantanamo, deals with issues of indefinite detention: Down in [...]

Why Do We Allow Theft? You Could Be Next

By Danny Lewis There was a plaque on Ron Paul’s desk which said “Don’t steal, the Government hates competition”. The phrase might give you a chuckle, however it is a reality. Civil asset forfeiture is an issue we don’t hear much [...]

When they came for the Trans fats.....

Last month our national nannies hard-working officials who have our best interest at heart, officially banned trans fat. Manufactures looking to use trans fat in their products will have to seek special permission to use trans fats. As I wrote [...]

Campaign for Liberty to Homeland Security: Support Religious Liberty

Campaign for Liberty has joined a coalition asking the Department of Homeland Security about replacing "Freedom of Worship" with "Freedom of Religion" as possible answer to the nationalization exam's question "name an example of a right [...]

Will the Fed bailout Greece?

Even though the world is fixated on the developing situation in Greece, few commentators have focused on the role the Federal Reserve may play in any bailout of the Greek economy. Fortunately, my fellow Ron Paul alumni Paul-Martin Foss [...]