Former NSA chief thinks phoney surveillance reform is cool

  Former National Security Agency (NSA) director Michal Hyden recently commented on the passage of the USA FREEDOM Act. Since we where increasingly  told by the bill's supporters that USA FREEDOM Act reigned in the NSA, Hyden was not [...]

Campaign for Liberty to Congress: Read our lips No New Internet Sales Taxes

Campaign for Liberty has cosigned a letter to the House of Representatives opposing the "Remote Transactions Parity Act "(HR 2775), the latest (and worse) attempt to impose sales taxes on internet commerce. Campaign for Liberty members should [...]

Why does Jason Chaffetz hate the Internet so much?

SPRINGFIELD, Virginia - Today, Campaign for Liberty responded to Rep. Jason Chaffetz’s continued assault on Internet Freedom with his introduction of the so-called Remote Transactions Parity Act. The legislation would turn federalism on its [...]

Government puts kids in foster care because they were playing outside alone

Your daily dose of government gone wild today comes from Florida, where a nosy neighbor decided to call the cops because an 11-year-old boy was playing outside of his own house while waiting for his parents to get home. The result? The parents [...]


The House will be voting on the bipartisan  Massie-Lofgren amendment forbidding the use of taxpayer dollars for warrantless searches between 1:30-2:30 EST. If you have done so yet please call your Representative and tell them to vote for this [...]

Which Republicans Haven't Cosponsored Audit the Fed?

In the 111th Congress, every Republican in the House cosponsored Audit the Fed. In the 112th and 113th Congress, every Republican but one voted for Audit the Fed. Rep. Thomas Massie's H.R. 24 currently has 200 cosponsors, but in order to [...]

House leadership again blocks debate on surveillance state reform

Today the House of Representatives is considering the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (HR 2596). The rule governing debate for the bill allows the House to vote on 16 of the 29 amendments that where submitted to the Rule [...]

RON PAUL: Death Penalty: The Ultimate Corrupt, Big Government Program

Nebraska’s legislature recently made headlines when it ended the state’s death penalty. Many found it odd that a conservatives-dominated legislature would support ending capital punishment, since conservative politicians have traditionally [...]

Obama to GOP: Raise spending on Warfare and Welfare

President Obama has issued a veto threat for the Fiscal Year 2016 Department of Defense Appropriations Bill (HR 2685). President Obama objects to the $38 billion in Overseas Contingency Operations (or"global war on terror") funding included in [...]