FBI admits Patriot Act snooping powers didn't crack any major terrorism cases

FBI agents cannot name a single terrorism-related case that they have solved due to the NSA spying programs authorized in the Patriot Act. Why are we not surprised? From the Washington Times: FBI agents can’t point to any major terrorism [...]

Jennifer Rubin In Distress

...because she does not read Ron Paul. Regular readers of neoconservative blogger Jennifer Rubin will not be surprised to learn she is not happy with Senator Rand Paul's efforts to block reauthorization of the expiring PATRIOT Act provisions. [...]

Rand Paul and Mark Sanford: Stop the NSA’s spying on Americans

In an op-ed in The Post and Courier, a South Carolina based newspaper, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul and South Carolina Congressman write that it is time to end the NSA's bulk data collection. From the article: Section 215 allows for secret court [...]

BREAKING: Rand Paul Launches Patriot Act Filibuster

Senator Rand Paul is filibustering the Patriot Act Extension right now on the Senate Floor. You can watch live at: c-span.org Help C4L Stand With Rand and put pressure on the Senate to end the NSA's spying programs!

USA FREEDOM Act: One Step Forward?

Some privacy advocates are promoting the compromised USA FREEDOM Act as a step in the right direction. But it seems more like the 80's country song by the Desert Rose Band when they sang, One step forward and two steps back Nobody gets too [...]

Another reason to oppose USA FREEDOM

Even if the USA FREEDOM Act actually limited federal agencies ability to violate our constitutional rights the bill still would likely not protect us from unconstitutional surveillance. This is because federal agencies are likely to disregard any [...]

House Members Ask Senate for Stronger NSA Reform

A bipartisan group of 58 House members penned a letter to the Senate after the House passed the USA Freedom Act, urging the Senate to reject the bill in its current form because the legislation did not go far enough in limiting the NSA's ability [...]

Stand With Rand, Oppose Any Patriot Act Extension

SPRINGFIELD, Virginia - Today, Campaign for Liberty encouraged the U.S. Senate to join Senator Rand Paul to oppose any so-called “Patriot” Act extension and reject phony NSA “reform” and finally end the NSA’s bulk collection of innocent [...]

Guess who supports USA FREEDOM?

Donny Shaw at Mediate examines who supports the representatives who voted for USA FREEDOM and finds something interesting: Members of the House who voted for the USA Freedom Act received, on average, more than 2.2 as much money from the [...]

Does the House leadership really want to rein in Obama?

The House GOP leadership talks a lot about "reining in" President Obama's abuse of executive powers yet last week they blocked two amendments to the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would have rolled-back President Obama's [...]