National Blog - page 198
Your tax dollars at work
The other day, I blogged about how many in the GOP are abandoning tax cuts in favor of tax "reform," which rearranges, but doses not reduce, the tax burden imposed on the American people. I pointed out that the reason for this new position in [...]
War is not free
An excellent article by Steve Chapman in Reason yesterday reminds readers that the United States' latest war is not free, but rather has real financial and human costs. Chapman notes how this war, unlike previous ones, has less of a direct impact [...]
Is the GOP abandoning Tax Cuts?
"The only reason God put Republicans on this earth is to cut taxes"--Robert Novak According to Politico, Republicans may be disregarding the late Mr. Novak's theology as few Republican candidates for Senate are discussing tax cuts. Instead, [...]
It deserves more than an "FYI."
LPAC 2014 speaker Jim Antle has a piece on Rare reiterating both the reason why the Founders entrusted Congress with "the question of war" and why the argument that the rest of the government can do what it wants - and rely on the judiciary to [...]
Ron Paul Classic: Just say NO to Bailouts!
This month marks the six-year anniversary of the financial meltdown and the taxpayer-financed Wall Street bailouts. Fighting against the bailouts was Campaign for Liberty's first major legislative effort. I remember getting calls from other [...]
Could Internet Sales Taxes lead to another Boston Tea Party?
Courtesy of Thomas Carlson's wonderful blog "Analysis of the Marketplace Fairness Act by a Former Federal Agent" comes this essay comparing the battle over the National Internet Sales Tax Mandate to the Boston Tea Party. Campaign for Liberty is [...]
But muh exports!
As the debate over the Export-Import Bank's future continues (C4L supports allowing it to expire), Washington Examiner Senior Political Columnist (and LPAC 2014 speaker) Tim Carney debunks another of the doom-and-gloom pronouncements, [...]
Scottish Referendum Gives Reasons to be Hopeful
Even though it ultimately failed at the ballot box, the recent campaign for Scottish independence should cheer supporters of the numerous secession movements springing up around the globe. In the weeks leading up to the referendum, it appeared [...]
Argentina using drones to enforce tax laws; will US follow suit?
The Telegraph reports that Argentina is using drones to catch "wealthy tax evaders." I wonder how long it is before tax-hungry local governments start asking the Feds for drones to more “efficiently” assess and collect property taxes?
LPAC Photos
Check out the great photos from LPAC 2014! If you attended the private reception with Dr. Paul, you can find your picture here.