Why Won’t Obama Just Leave Ukraine Alone?

President Obama announced last week that he was imposing yet another round of sanctions on Russia, this time targeting financial, arms, and energy sectors. The European Union, as it has done each time, quickly followed suit. These sanctions [...]

Jim Rockford: Libertarian?

Maybe not, but the iconic character played by the recently deceased James Garner on The Rockford Files had an anti-authoritarian streak. As A.G. Gancarsk points out in The American Conservative, Rockford, a private detective who served time in [...]

Ted Cruz: The Export-Import Bank is corrupt crony-capitalist fiasco.

In case you missed it, here and below is Senator Ted Cruz's USA Today Op-Ed in support of ending the Export-Import Bank (Eximbank). Campaign for Liberty will continue to work to end Eximbank and all forms of corporate welfare. Don't miss your [...]

Thomas Massie: If we are going to go to war, we must follow the Constitution

In case you missed it, here and below is Representative Thomas Massie's excellent statement in support of H.Con.Res. 105., a resolution passed by the House of Representative on Friday forbidding the President from deploying combat troops in a [...]

TSA offers $15,000 for best idea to reduce security lines

The Transportation Security Administration is offering prizes totally $15,000 for individuals who submit the best ideas on how to reduce security lines at our nation's airport. From the Washington Post: The TSA is offering as much as $15,000 to [...]

Government puts school bake sales on a diet

Schoolchildren hoping to hold bake sales to raise money for band trips, athletic uniforms, and field trips will have to find other means to raise money thanks to the White House's new school nutrition guidelines.  From The Wall Street [...]

Cruz: Keep the Internet Tax Free

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) spoke on the floor of the Senate today arguing why we should keep the Internet tax-free. At issue is the attempt to attach the National Internet Sales Tax to the Internet Access Tax Moratorium bill. Tax-and-spend [...]

Soda taxes not-so SWEET

Yesterday, Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) introduced the Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Tax (SWEET) Act (HR 5279). As the title suggests, this legislation imposes a new tax on sodas. (I don't know about you, but I don't find new taxes to be [...]

Sunscreen on my shoulder is not the FDA's business

On Monday, Congress passed the Sunscreen Innovation Act (HR 4250). This act is designed to reduce the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)'s backlog of applications for approval of new sunscreen ingredients. The bill requires the FDA to make a [...]

Ron Paul on CNBC: Give Free Markets A Chance

Austrian economists define inflation as an increase in the money supply, which in turn leads to higher prices for goods and services. This is important to note for a number of reasons, but most importantly for the point made by Ludwig von [...]