Obama's Independence Day surprise: More Regulations

Last Thursday, as most Americans where getting ready to celebrate Independence Day, the Department of Health and Human Services was busy releasing 1,296 pages of new regulations regarding Medicare reimbursement rates for physicians and hospitals. [...]

Working to Bury the Death Tax

Campaign for Liberty is an active participant in a Family Business Coalition that is seeking full repeal of one of the most pernicious taxes on the American people -- the death tax. Last month, the Death Tax Repeal Act, H.R. 2429, reached a [...]

Latest on LPAC 2014

September will be here before you know it and will bring the 2014 Liberty Political Action Conference with it! Taking place on September 18-20 at the Hilton Mark Center in Alexandria, Virginia, LPAC 2014 will equip you with what you need to [...]

Terminal cancer patient on trial for growing medical marijuana rushed to hospital during trial

An Iowa man, with terminal cancer, on trial for growing marijuana for personal use as a cancer patient, was rushed to the hospital during his trial on Monday. Benton Mackenzie used the marijuana to make CBD oil, which is legal in Iowa but only to [...]

Turn on your cell phone for TSA or don't fly

Travelers on US-bound international flights will have to prove to the TSA that their cell phone has power before boarding the aircraft in the name of security. From The Guardian: Passengers using airports that offer direct flights to the US may [...]

Campaign for Liberty Strongly Opposes Phony 'Audit the Fed' Effort

SPRINGFIELD, Virginia- Campaign for Liberty strongly opposes the GAO audit provision in H.R. 5018 The Federal Reserve Accountability and Transparency Act, legislation that would bring neither accountability nor full transparency to the Federal [...]

Meet the Americans the NSA and FBI are spying on

Glenn Greenwald published his much anticipated article naming Americans the NSA and FBI are spying on last night. The list includes Muslim Americans involved in politics, government, law, and education. From The Intercept: The National Security [...]

Ron Paul Interviews Dave Warrington on C4L IRS Fight

Part 1 Below: brightcove.createExperiences(); Part 2 [...]

Hobby Lobby Decision Creates Small Island of Freedom in Ocean of Statism

This week, supporters of religious freedom cheered the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Hobby Lobby case. The Court was correct to protect business owners from being forced to violate their religious beliefs by paying for contraceptives. However, [...]

Snowden Leak: NSA collects more communications from Innocent Americans than foreign targets

In the latest leak from NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden, The Washington Post reports that the communications of innocent Americans, including emails, photos, and documents, vastly outnumber the communications of foreigners suspected of [...]