National Blog - page 211
Dirty dealing to pass the Internet Tax Mandate this week?
Unless you act NOW, the National Internet Tax Mandate could sail through the Senate this week! You see, Campaign for Liberty members have been so successful in keeping the National Internet Tax Mandate from even being considered by the U.S. [...]
What the Media Won’t Report About Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17
Just days after the tragic crash of a Malaysian Airlines flight over eastern Ukraine, Western politicians and media joined together to gain the maximum propaganda value from the disaster. It had to be Russia; it had to be Putin, they said. [...]
We're from the government and we're here to screw up your health care
Obamacare is not the only way the Congress authorizes federal bureaucrats to drive up the cost of health care. Congress also passes feel good laws authorizing the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to impose regulations on doctors. For example, [...]
USDA wants talking shopping carts to get consumers to eat healthy
The USDA is looking at how talking shopping carts could help Americans eat healthier. Seriously. From the Free Beacon: The “MyCart grocery cart” would provide dividers for shoppers to make sure they are selecting enough items in each [...]
Former Ron Paul Monetary Staffer on new Fed Bill: its defects are severe
Paul-Martin Foss, Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's aide for Monetary Policy from 2007-2012, is now the founder and President of the Carl Menger Center for the study of Money and Banking. The Menger Center's mission is " preserve [...]
Forty-nine states tracking your prescriptions in databases
Forty-nine states are tracking all of your prescriptions in state-run databases and politicians and law enforcement hope to make Missouri the 50th state. Lawmakers say this is necessary to combat prescription pain-killer abuse, but this is a [...]
Ron Paul Launches Voices of Liberty
Today Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron announced he was expanding on The Ron Paul Channel and launching Voices of Liberty. From the announcement: As Voices of Liberty, we further amplify the messages of the freedom movement through engaging [...]
Central planning in the USA
The Twentieth Century should have taught us the folly of central planning, yet one country still maintains a government board to control the amount of "tart" cherries on the market in order to ensure that supply meets demand. What country is [...]
Snowden: NSA sharing your nude photos
In a wide-ranging interview in The Guardian, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden says that the NSA routinely passes around nude photographs that they intercept from innocent Americans: Snowden: During the course of their work, (NSA employees) [...]
Ron Paul on Yellen Testimony: Deja Vu all over again
SPRINGFIELD, Virginia- Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul released the following statement on Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen’s testimony before the House Financial Services Committee: “Janet Yellen’s testimony before the House [...]