US Government is the world's third largest economy

Anyone who doubts that government spending at all levels is out of control should consider Mike Flynn of Breitbart's analysis  of how government spending at the federal, state, and local levels compares to the world's major [...]

White House Launches "Taxpayer Receipt"

Yay! Now you can look at how the Federal Government wisely spent your tax dollars. Interestingly enough, there is no line item for "making death rain from the sky" aka President Obama's drone program that has killed approximately 2,400 people, [...]

Tax Day Remix

Remy from Reason takes on Tax Day. Enjoy!

Ron Paul: Another Phony Budget Debate

C4L Chairman Ron Paul takes on the phony budget debate in the latest edition of Texas Straight Talk.  Under Dr. Paul's leaderhsip, Campaign for Liberty will continue to work for Real Cuts, Right Now: Anyone watching last week’s debate over [...]

Ron Paul Classic: The IRS's job is to violate our liberties

Tax Day is a good day to reread  Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk from last year on the IRS's targeting of pro-liberty and Tea Party groups . Dr. Paul makes the case that the only way to protect our civil, as well as [...]

Obama has proposed 442 tax increases in office

Happy Tax Day, aka Barack Obama's favorite day of the year! During his presidency, Barack Obama has proposed a whopping 442 tax increases according to Americans for Tax Reform: Since taking office in 2009, President Barack Obama has formally [...]

Then Act Decently

Retiring Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA-8) has been in the news recently for suggesting that members of Congress, who receive $174,000 a year, aren't paid enough, going as far as to introduce a doomed amendment in committee to address the problem he [...]

From The Folks Who Wanted to Be In Charge of Cybersecurity

This week, the Internet is in a tizzy, rightfully so, over the discovery of the Heartbleed bug -- one of the biggest security glitches in the history of the Internet. But now come the juicier revelations that the NSA may have known about it [...]

Steven Colbert Slams Common Core

Earlier this week comedian Stephen Colbert slammed the Department of Education's one-size fits all Common Core standards. Our state leaders across the country have been leading the charge to bring education control back to parents and the local [...]