Ron Paul on Edward Snowden's indictment

Today Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul made the following comment regarding the indictment of Edward Snowden's indictment for espionage. The statement was posted on Dr. Paul's  Facebook page: My understanding is that espionage means [...]

Rand Paul: Youth with me on NSA issue

By: Jessie Markell Last week, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul said, “I think as we have a fuller debate on these discussions you’re going to find that not only Republicans are with me on this issue, the youth are.” As a former Young Americans [...]

Kill the Death Tax

A particularly pernicious "temporary" tax was forced upon the American people in 1916 to help fund the American intervention into the first World War. This was the fourth time Congress had passed an "estate tax" for "defense purposes." Each time [...]

Ron Paul: The Federal Reserve Has Lost Control of Interest Rates

SPRINGFIELD, Virginia- Today, Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul issued the following statement in response to the Federal Open Market Committee’s decision to continue its failed bond buying program: “Chairman Bernanke and the [...]

Internet Sales Taxes: a headache for small business owners

Small business owner Justin Krauss explains how the National Internet Sales Tax Mandate burdens small businesses: Each of this country’s 10,000 different taxing jurisdictions has its own laws for applying sales tax to all sorts of goods — [...]

Watch Thomas Massie and "The New York Meeting" Live tonight at 6pm!

For years, "The New York Meeting" was off-the-record and held behind closed doors. According to the event's organizers, this high-level meeting of free market leaders is an engaging national forum that gets to the core of the most important [...]

What We Have Learned From Afghanistan

Here is Campaign for Liberty Chairman's Ron Paul's latest Texas Straight Talk on what the US Government's support for a renewed Taliban presence in Afghanistan tell us about US foreign policy (SPOILER ALERT: it is tragic waste of lives and [...]

House Vote on Industrial Hemp Passes

Thursday morning, the House passed an amendment on industrial hemp to the Farm Bill offered by Representatives Jared Polis (CO), Earl Bluemenauer (OR), and Thomas Massie (KY),  by a vote of 225-200. This amendment was debated Wednesday [...]

Red State Socialism 2

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Press Conference in Opposition to Internet Sales Taxes

This morning, C4L President John Tate participated in a press conference with a group of freshman legislators from the House and Senate, including Senators Paul and Cruz, along with Representatives Thomas Massie (KY-4), Steve Daines (MT), Ron [...]