Liberty NewsWire - Oct. 03, 2011

After all the healthcare legal briefs have been filed by the currently scheduled date in late October, the Supreme Court is widely expected to officially agree to hear the dispute.Arguments could be held in February or March, with a ruling likely [...]

Audit the Fed: Dodd-Frank, QE3, and Fed Transparency

From the House Financial Services Committee: WASHINGTON -The Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology Subcommittee, chaired by Rep. Ron Paul, will hold a hearing on auditing the Federal Reserve and the need for transparency at the central [...]

LPAC 2011: Mike Lee

U.S. Senator Mike Lee (UT) speaks to the crowd at LPAC 2011:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vZKs8LJOTkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZrxpFv3Tcchttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaoHEnVT5LU

ObamaCare Back In the News

A new report is out from Kaiser Family Foundation showing that healthcare premiums increased by 9% during 2011, a report that flies in the face of the Obama Administration's claim that the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care [...]

LPAC 2011: Rand Paul

U.S. Senator Rand Paul (KY) speaks to the crowd at LPAC 2011.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsAKz6n8dhg&list=PL1C5CB933C6370158&index=1http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12W2vLxeZVc&list=PL1C5CB933C6370158&index=2

LPAC 2011: Jerry Doyle

Nationally syndicated radio host, Jerry Doyle, speaks to the crowd at LPAC 2011:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWaCyKBh2jghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kty1wEes42ghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=est4i85KBgw

"Economics On One Foot"

Have you ever had trouble getting your friends or family to pay attention long enough for you to explain the most fundamental principles of sound economics?  Or likewise, have you ever struggled to explain sound economics to your friends [...]

Liberty NewsWire - Sept. 28, 2011

Florida GOP to Move Up Presidential Primary, Defying National Party - NPRSupreme Court Asked to Review Challenge to Healthcare Reform Law - The HillFederal Judges Set to Rules on Alabama Immigtation Law - CBS NewsOil Slide on Growing U.S. Supply [...]

Senators Discuss Continuing Resolution

Last night, Senator Paul joined CNN host John King and Senator Mike Lee joined CNBC's Larry Kudlow to discuss the Senate passing a short-term continuing [...]

Liberty NewsWire - Sept. 27, 2011

"The Senate passed a measure, 79-12, that would fund the government through Nov. 18 and includes $2.6 billion for Federal Emergency Management Agency disaster relief for fiscal 2012. The Senate separately passed a short-term CR through Oct. [...]