Rand Paul, Thomas Massie Prime for Liberty

Kentucky Representative Thomas Massie and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul have reintroduced the PRIME Act (H.R. 2859/S. 1620). This legislation exempts slaughterhouses from federal inspections as long as the slaughterhouses are in compliance with [...]

Trump’s Betrayal of Julian Assange

One thing we’ve learned from the Trump Presidency is that the “deep state” is not just some crazy conspiracy theory. For the past three years we’ve seen that deep state launch plot after plot to overturn the election. It all started [...]

Trump’s Budget: More Warfare, Slightly Less Welfare

Listening to the howls from Democrats and the applause from Republicans, one would think President Trump’s proposed fiscal year 2021 budget is a radical assault on the welfare state. The truth is the budget contains some minor spending cuts, [...]

This Week in Congress

The Senate is done with impeachment, so they are back to nominations. The House is in session Monday through Thursday. The House is currently scheduled to consider H.J.Res. 79, which removes the time limits for states to ratify the Equal Rights [...]

Can the Fed Solve Climate Change

Remember Solyndra?   That was the green energy company that received over half a BILLION taxpayer dollars in federal “loan guarantees” from the Obama stimulus plan . . . and then promptly went bankrupt.   Solyndra became the [...]

This Week in Congress

The House is in session Tuesday through Friday. The big event of the week is tomorrow’s mark-up of the USA FREEDOM Act extension in the House Judiciary Committee. If you have not yet, please sign your Stop the Surveillance State Petition [...]

Last Week in Congress Wrap-Up

Last week, the Senate passed a resolution (S.Res. 68) prohibiting the President from launching a military attack against Iran without approval from Congress. The bill passed with a vote of 55-45. The following seven Republicans joined every [...]

Ron Paul Classic: No Federal Regulations of Tobacco

The $1.4 trillion spending deal that Congress passed and the president signed just before Christmas contained a provision banning tobacco sales (including e-cigarettes) to anyone under 21. So, an 18-year-old can join the military, fight, kill, [...]

Democrats Ignore Trump’s Real Violations

This week the latest Democratic Party attempt to remove President Trump from office – impeachment over Trump allegedly holding up an arms deal to Ukraine – flopped. Just like “Russiagate” and the Mueller investigation, and a number of [...]

Is the Draft Coming Back?

During recent increased US-Iran confrontation, so many people viewed the Selective Service website to find out about the draft that the website crashed. People were right to be concerned about a return of the draft. With the ongoing military [...]