This Week in Congress

The House is in recess this week before coming back for one last week and then adjourning to campaign. The Senate is in session. Yesterday, the Senate passed S. 2554, which bans “gag clauses.” These are contracts between insurance [...]

This Week in Congress Update: No Government Shutdown

DRAT! Yesterday, the House and Senate passed H.R. 5895, the Energy and Water, Legislative Branch and Military Construction Appropriations bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 377-20 and the Senate passed it by a vote of 92-5. The [...]

Business Leaders: Join Free-Market Groups to Stop Mark Pearce

As highlighted here, President Trump— as part of a deal on nominations recently struck with Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer (NY)— recently renominated anti-business, pro-union boss bureaucrat, Mark Pearce, to the National Labor [...]

Why Are We Siding With al-Qaeda?

Last week, I urged the Secretary of State and National Security Advisor to stop protecting al-Qaeda in Syria by demanding that the Syrian government leave Idlib under al-Qaeda control. While it may seem hard to believe that the US government is [...]

Bob Murphy on Fed “Independence”

Writing in the Fiscal Times, leading Austrian economist Bob Murphy looks at whether the Fed is truly independent from political sway. (Spoiler alert: it isn’t.) Professor Murphy highlights a 1975 study by Yale University professor William [...]

Republicans’ Responsibility for Socialism’s Comeback

According to a recent Reuters/Ipsos survey, 70 percent of Americans, including about 50 percent of Republicans, support Medicare for all, the latest incarnation of single-payer health care. Republican support for a health plan labeled “Medicare [...]

Campaign for Liberty Supports Adding USA Workforce to Tax Reform 2.0

Today, the House Ways and Means Committee will markup tax reform 2.0. This bill builds on last year’s tax reform bill with a number of positive tax changes, including expanding permissible uses for “529 savings accounts” to allow the money [...]

This Week in Congress

The Senate continues to work on nominations. The House is only in on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday because Monday was Rosh Hashanah and Tuesday is the 17th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks. What’s most interesting about this [...]

Happy Anniversary Campaign for Liberty

Ten years ago this month, 10,000 liberty-loving Americans gathered in Minneapolis, Minnesota to celebrate Ron Paul’s 2008 presidential campaign and launch Dr. Paul’s Campaign for Liberty. Those in attendance enjoyed a week of special [...]

This Week in Congress

The House is back in session this week and will be in from Tuesday through Friday. Among the legislation to be considered is H.R. 1635 which expands access to counseling on student loan debt available to recipients of student loans. Among other [...]