This Week in Congress

The House is adjourned and will not be back until after the elections. Before adjourning last week, the House passed H.R. 6, the huge bill drastically expanding government in the name of fighting opioid addiction. Only eight members voted [...]

This Week in Congress Wrap-Up

On Wednesday, the U.S. House passed H.R. 6729, the legislation giving the government new powers to see your financial records without a warrant, by a vote of 297-124. You can see the vote here. The bill now moves to the Senate, so please sign [...]

Crucial House Vote Today

Today, the House will vote on H.R. 6729, legislation which, in the name of stopping human trafficking,  gives the government new powers to see your personal financial data without a warrant and could even cause you to lose access to the banking [...]

New Tax Plan Makes It Easier to 'Ed-exit'

This week the House of Representatives will vote on a package of bills making the temporary tax cuts contained in last year’s tax reform bill permanent and making additional tax law changes. The bills will likely pass in the House, but will [...]

This Week in Congress: Taxes

Last Thursday, the House Ways and Means Committee passed Tax Reform 2.0. The package consisted of three bills (H.R. 6760, H.R. 6757, and H.R. 6756). All three of them are likely to be voted on next week before Congress adjourns to go home and [...]

Venezuela's Socialism...And Ours

This week we witnessed the horrible spectacle of Nikki Haley, President Trump’s Ambassador to the United Nations, joining a protest outside the UN building and calling for the people of Venezuela to overthrow their government. “We are [...]

This Week in Congress Update

Today the House voted on the three tax reform 2.0 bills. Here is a coalition letter Campaign for Liberty co-signed in support of the tax package: Dear Speaker Ryan and Chairman Brady: On behalf of the undersigned organizations, we write in [...]

This Week in Congress

The U.S. Senate will be considering nominations, possibly including that of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. The House is in session from Tuesday through Friday. The big legislation this week is H.R. 6157, the Department of [...]

Norman Singleton on Building a Coalition

Campaign for Liberty President Norman Singleton recently participated in a panel discussion on “Building a Broad Coalition” at the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Conference on Media and War. Singleton spoke alongside his fellow [...]

Will Congress Free Our Trucks?

One of the outstanding issues yet to be settled between the House and Senate Appropriations bills is whether the final Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development (THUD) Appropriations will include a much-needed provision to allow Twin 33’s. [...]