No (Internet Sales) Taxation without Representation!

Last week the United States Supreme Court, in the case of South Dakota v. Wayfair, ruled that the Constitution’s Commerce Clause allows state governments to force out-of-state businesses to collect state sales taxes. This decision overturns the [...]

Ron Paul Instant Classic: E-Verify Threatens Us All

With the House getting ready to vote on immigration reform legislation that contains mandatory E-Verify, today is a good day to revisit Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul’s E-Verify Threatens Us All from February of this year. Read Dr. [...]

Why Can't We Sue the TSA For Assault?

When I was in Congress and had to regularly fly between DC and Texas, I was routinely subjected to invasive “pat-downs” (physical assaults) by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). One time, exasperated with the constant insults [...]

You Get What You Paid For: Lobbyists Edition

Yesterday, the Senate defeated a motion that would table Senator Mike Lee’s (R-UT) amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act prohibiting the indefinite detention of American citizens. This clears the way for a roll-call vote on the [...]

This Week in Congress: NDAA and Opioids

The big news in the Senate this week is consideration of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Yesterday, cloture was invoked by a vote of  92-4. That vote is here. Since cloture was invoked it is possible that Senator Lindsey Graham [...]

Ron Paul on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul issued the following statement regarding President Trump’s nomination of Kathy Kraninger to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is an unaccountable, [...]

This Week in Congress: E-Verify, Spending, and Opioids

The big event this week is the vote on an immigration “reform” bill containing the mandatory E-Verify National ID scheme. As of right now, the vote is expected on Thursday. Call your U.S. Representative at (202)-225-3121 and tell them to vote [...]

This Week in Congress: NDAA Update

Yesterday, the motion to move to final passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) passed the Senate by a vote of 81-15. This means that Senators Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rand Paul (R-KY) will not be able to offer their amendments [...]

This Week in Congress Part Two: NDAA, Farm Bill, and Opioids

This Week in Congress Part Two: NDAA, Farm Bill, and Opioids The U.S. Senate continues work on the NDAA. The big question remains if Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee will be able to offer amendments forbidding the government from indefinitely [...]

Trump/Kim Meeting Shows Value of Policy Over Politics

When President Reagan met with Mikhail Gorbachev in Reykjavik, Iceland, on October 11, 1987, it helped put into motion events that would dramatically change the global system. A line of communication was fully opened with an enemy of decades and [...]