National Blog - page 126
The Gun-Grabbers Are Coming!
Gun-grabbers will never shy away from latching on to a tragedy and using it for their own purposes. Following the attack on the Orlando nightclub, Pulse, defenders of liberty should be on guard against a new wave of gun control efforts by [...]
RON PAUL: Fascism: A Bipartisan Affliction
If neoconservatives and progressives truly understood fascism, they would stop using the word as a smear term. That is because both groups, along with most political figures and commentators, embrace fascist ideas and policies. Fascism’s [...]
Paul Ryan's Latest Power Grab
When Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul was in Congress, one way he forced votes on issues (like cutting foreign aid, or stopping federal agencies from imposing regulations) was offering amendments to appropriations bills. The reason Dr. Paul [...]
The Week in Congress: Will the Senate End the Draft? Will the House Bailout Puerto Rico?
The Senate comes back into session today. The main issue on the Senate agenda is continuing consideration of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Senator Rand Paul has introduced an amendment to the NDAA to end the draft. He also [...]
RON PAUL: Government Can’t Help; It Can Only Hurt
Three recent stories regarding three government agencies — the IRS, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) — show why we should oppose big government for practical, as well as [...]
GOP Stops Thomas Massie and Walter Jones From Cutting Spending
It's not a good idea to give the Rules Committee the power to block amendments to the appropriations bills. For example, consider last week when Representatives Thomas Massie and Walter Jones tried to offer an amendment to the legislative branch [...]
This Week in Congress: Reining in the IRS and, Maybe, the Surveillance State
The House comes into session on Monday this week. Among the legislation considered is the Defense Department Appropriations bill. Representative Thomas Massie and Zoe Lofgren are once again proposing an amendment that would forbid the use of [...]
Ron Paul Classic: Tribute to Muhammad Ali
Legendary boxer and Sports Illustrated's Sportsman of the Century, Muhammad Ali, passed away last Friday. Ali was that rare athlete whose impact transcended his sport, and whose popularity was worldwide. In fact, during the seventies, Ali was [...]
RON PAUL: The Keynesians Stole The Jobs
Late last week the markets were shocked by a surprisingly bad May jobs report – the worst monthly report in nearly six years. The experts expected the US economy to add 160,000 jobs in May, but it turns out only 38,000 jobs were added. And to [...]
Senate Republicans' latest sell-out
Last week, Senator Mike Lee offered an amendment to the Treasury-Housing Appropriations bill denying funding to the Department of Housing and Urban Development's "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing" program. As Senator Lee [...]