Ron Paul statement on Phil Crane

Here is Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's statement on the death of former Representative Phil Crane: I am saddened to learn of the passing of my friend and former colleague Phil Crane. Phil had a distinguished career, both in and out [...]

Economic Means vs. Political Means

By Harrison Dean Many progressives in the Democratic party and the Occupy Wall Street movement spend much of their time condemning the rich. They claim that greed is one of the main causes of our country’s problems, and that wealth needs to be [...]

Obamacare Architect: ‘Stupidity of American Voter’ Was ‘Critical’ to Passing Obamacare

Economist and Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber said “lack of transparency” and “stupidity of the American voter” were “critical” to passing the president’s unpopular health care law. Watch the video below:

Homeland Security spends $30,000 on Starbucks Coffee

I guess violating our rights requires a lot of caffeine...... Some federal employees get credit cards from their agencies allowing them to spend up to $3,000 on "micro" purchases. The idea is to enable employees to purchase things like office [...]

C4L To Harry Reid: Pass Audit the Fed Now

SPRINGFIELD, Virginia- Today, Campaign for Liberty called on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to hold a vote on S.209, “Audit the Fed,” during Congress’ lame-duck session. “Audit the Fed is a tremendously popular bipartisan piece of [...]

C4L Strongly Opposes ‘Net Neutrality’

SPRINGFIELD, Virginia- Today, Campaign for Liberty issued the following statement from C4L President John Tate strongly opposing President Barack Obama’s support of so-called ‘Net Neutrality.’ “Expecting the federal government to [...]

What The Mid-Term Elections Really Mean For Peace and Liberty

Did the election last week really mean that much? I took to my Twitter account on Tuesday to point out that the change in control of the Senate from Democrat to Republican actually means very little, despite efforts by politicians and the [...]

Who will tax the sodas?

In addition to a change in control of the Senate, Tuesday's election also saw voters in Berkeley, California, pass the nation's first soda tax. Some may dismiss the national significance of this since the average Berkeley voter is much more [...]

WATCH: Texas State Senator Donald Huffines (TX-16) at LPAC 2014

Texas State Senator Donald Huffines (TX-16) addressed attendees at the 2014 Liberty Political Action Conference on Saturday, September 20, at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-1Oea6sZ4Q

Fed Chair notices income inequality but pretends she is not responsible for it

Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen recently caused a stir when she gave a speech bemoaning the rise of income inequality. Yellen called for government to address this problem through government policies designed to improve education [...]