National Blog - page 205
Obama unilaterally authorizes airstrikes on Iraq [UPDATED]
President Obama, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, unilaterally authorized "targeted" airstrikes on Iraq late last night. But, don't worry- this doesn't mean war, according to the President. In his speech he stated, "As commander in chief, I will [...]
IRS Threatens to Seize Campaign for Liberty's Property
As you may recall, back in the spring Campaign for Liberty was fined by the IRS for failing to provide information on our top donors. After refusing to pay the fine, the IRS is now threatening to seize Campaign for Liberty's property if we do [...]
Do we need the Export-Import Bank?
By: Colin Combs General Electric’s Chief Executive Jeff Immelt recently claimed that closing the Export-Import bank would mean that “we are basically making a statement as a country that we do not think that exports are [...]
The Directive: a detective novel about....The Fed?
Yes, the Federal Reserve is now the focus of a detective novel. Thanks to Ralph Benko at for bringing The Directive, a new mystery thriller from author Mathew Quirk to our attention. The Directive centers around an attempt to [...]
Rep. Stockman: No federal funds to drug children
I recently wrote about the case of Maryanne Godboldo, a Michigan mother whose refusal to continue to give her daughter a potentially dangerous psychotropic drug caused Child Protective Services to remove her daughter from Mrs. Godboldo's [...]
Obama unilaterally increases military invention and foreign aid, DC yawns
This week DC played host to the first "U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit," a three-day gathering of "leaders from across the African continent." Aside from tying up DC traffic, thus making it more difficult for federal bureaucrats, Congressional [...]
Who Murdered the Middle Class?
The government...specifically the Obama Administration and a Congress led by Democrats who advocate and vote for big government and Republicans who advocate small government while voting for...big government. That is the verdict of Wayne [...]
If you like your Doctor don't sign up for Obamacare
Shortly after Obamacare passed, we began getting calls in then-Congressman Ron Paul's office (health care was one of the issues I handled for Dr. Paul) from panicked constituents whose doctors had said they were considering withdrawing from the [...]
FBI to monitor news outlets, rate stories
The Federal Bureau of Investigations is hiring a firm to monitor and rate news stories on both the agency and law enforcement in general. While it is unclear what the guidelines will be for rating news stories as "positive" of "negative" this [...]
Birthday Gift Ideas for Barack Obama
Today is President Barack Obama's 53rd birthday. Any Campaign for Liberty member looking for a last-minute gift may want to browse Campaign for Liberty's bookstore. President Obama could certainly benefit from reading Ron Paul classics like [...]